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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. How co-winky-dinkal that this happened near a place called Woodenbong . . .
  2. 1) Agree with the advice on converters . . . Plus there's usually a 110 outlet in the bathroom called the shaver outlet. Not convenient, but if you don't have converters. 2) Don't drive in a city. Even tiny Southampton was a maze of confusion for me . . . Lots of roundabouts and everything is routed around existing structures, so forget about anything resembling the grid layout of Buffalo . . .
  3. She did "goad" him. She sped up when he went to pass her on the right.
  4. This pretty accurately sums up the entire thread . . .
  5. Hardly a congested highway . . In the whole video she passes 2 vehicles. He was close, but i wouldn't call it tailgating . . . AND she not only doesn't move to the right after passing the trucks, she does the ULTIMATE DICK MOVE of speeding up when he does go to pass her (cuz she won't move to the right so that drivers who want to go faster can do so)!! WTF? If she could have gone FASTER(!?!?!?!) why didn't she just go faster while he was behind her? She antagonized him the whole way . . . He did little to nothing wrong other than get PO'd at the slow moving *$$hole in front of him . . .
  6. The first name that popped into my head was Aaron Rodgers . . .
  7. Haven't read all the replies in the thread, but nothing irks me more than someone purposely sitting in the left hand lane for no reason other than he/she doesn't want anyone to pass. Pass the trucks, move to the right and get on with your life . . . The guy in the truck did little to nothing wrong. . .heck he wasn't even that close to her rear end . . . If there were indeed karma, a meteor would have fallen on her stupid a$$ as soon as the truck wiped out.
  8. Ok, now rooting for Michigan State . . .
  9. Overheard this in a supermarket here. People were up in arms . . .
  10. It's good idea as a way to show support for Jim & his family . . .
  11. Conjugal visit sex, Costanza?
  12. First Class move . . .
  13. Headed to the King of Prussia Mall today. I need a new bed frame and I plan to hit up Ikea . . . The thrilling "bachelor" life in the big city . . .
  14. Isn't the USA at or near the end of the Earth's day? It's apparently International Women's Weekend as it's still there Sunday Morning, EDT . . .
  15. I fully expected the link to take me to the Peter Pan guy . . .
  16. What time do the bars close on Mars? that's gonna be a factor in success/failure . . .
  17. Ack! What's not to like about the Globetrotters? Now that Mark (sans Bopper) is gone I'm rooting for Flite Time and Big Easy!
  18. NSFW . . . but amusing. http://io9.com/once-...will-1531833481
  19. Sorry, as one who is still paying off student loans for a Master's degree i thought would benefit me 2 jobs ago; and one who is currently paying state tuition rates for SUNY . . . I say that my taxes can be better spent on other programs rather than throwing money at the prison population. Flame away . . .I don't care one whit about the current prisoner population in NYS. as far as I am concerned, they get far too much of my tax money to begin with . . .
  20. Hmmm. . . .odd that that it's a news story in a negative light, yet . . . they never mention his political affiliation. i find that odd.
  21. started with a 2 mile run + an upper body workout.... then not much went to the liquor store to get a bottle of sobieski, picked up a few necessities at Acme (including Cash),
  22. I'd be more impressed if she were a member of kitty Riot . . .
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