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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Truly . . . L.A. has a much better line up.... Weezer, Sublime . . .even Imagine Dragons . . .
  2. Wow, Salon.com... that bastion of non-biased, middle-of-the-road opinion. Maybe Bill should list the actual amount of taxes paid by those companies. Take it to PPP . . .
  3. I have a lot of "stop, drop and watch" films, but I would say that my overall favorite is "Bridge on the River Kwai." And JR, I love the KK! One of the most quotable movies of all time . . . "Ah, Budda provide!"
  4. Sorry for your loss. Take solace in knowing that you're doing what's best for her.
  5. Not. Lucic is a turd. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/milan-lucic-to-dale-weise-during-handshakes---i-m-going-to--expletive--kill-you-next-year-041130720.html
  6. How small do you have to be to have the opening of a beer can look like a good fit???
  7. Cuz the media only cares about making moves that result in more picks. Bills paid a lot to get the best playmaker in the draft and get a C- for day one. Cleveland passed on Watkins and Mack, took a corner and controversial pick at QB. Result A+ of course. Look how many picks they got from moving around! It's akin to saying you've won a chess match based on moving your first 4 pawns . . .
  8. I saw this on FB. Very cool of them to do this for the boy. Cancer sucks indeed . . .
  9. Or tell us 45 times per week that "I have an iPad." I swear to God, he says something about his iPad at least twice per show . . .
  10. Gives a whole new meaning to being sent to the principal's office for discipline . . . .
  11. ^ That's what I immediately thought! ^
  12. Today and tomorrow I am packing up my home in Hamburg for the final move the Philly. Fingers crossed for good weather and few problems . . .
  13. It's interesting watching the Democrat primary candidates lugging out the "war on Women" theme in their commercials in Philly. One women brags about how the "old boy" network in Harrisburg doesn't care about you, and then the camera pans to a white woman, a black man and a black woman. Another goofball brags about how he hates that his daughters will only make $0.77 for every dollar a man makes. I've worked in HR for years . .. it is a complete and total myth that women make less than men in the same job. Perhaps statistically women make less, but in the same jobs, with the same experience , credentials, etc. pay is completely equalized . . . It's a different reality in the liberal paradise of Philadelphia . . .
  14. Grew up across the street from a guy named Richard Dick. Had a jacket with "Double Dick" written on it . . .
  15. Driving back to Philly on Monday. :cry:
  16. I've often wondered where the fishy smell comes from . . .
  17. Hmm . . I wonder how long it will take for his re-fi to close . . . He's gonna need an awful lot of $20 bills . . . Idiot . . .
  18. Found out at work that I will spend either December or January in China!! 3 week assignment . . . training the new factory folks to get our Asian production group up and running. Cool, but the timing blows . . .
  19. Sorry to hear that Pooj. If it's a necessity, that's business, not personal. Not sure about the cheer-leading. . . I wouldn't do something like that.
  20. My son just texted me the news Sad loss. He was quite possibly my favorite comedian. Very, very funny comic . . . Same age as me too. My Favorite: You'll think a gazelle is loose on the runway...
  21. Very Jetson's . . .
  22. Sorry for your loss, Cat. ...and sorry, i know nothing about brakes . . .
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