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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Really? We're back to "links or it never happened?" Lazy . . . Johnson: http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/guamtip.asp Clinton: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2014/jul/03/hillary-clinton/hillary-clinton-says-hobby-lobby-salesclerk-not-go/ "a salesclerk at Hobby Lobby who needs contraception … is not going to get that service through her employer’s health care plan because her employer doesn’t think she should be using contraception. Just because the NYT and NPR aren't telling you something doesn't mean it didn't happen . . .
  2. Tough choice between Copernicus and Mr. Rags...
  3. I refuse to use Gillette products because the Pat*s play in Gillette stadium. Silly, i know, but . . . I use a 5 blade Schick Hydro. Been shaving my head for 7 years now . . .I get 3-4 weeks out of 'em before i get nicked up . . .
  4. Yeah, a non event here in NE Philly. Turned out to be a beautiful evening for fireworks . . . .
  5. That's what i love about science. There's no one right answer.
  6. This ruling and the subsequent fallout has truly revealed the extent of the duplicity of the American left. And not just the run of the mill liberal buddy or two on facebook, etc. these are people that should know better. Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Harry Reid, the NYT etc are all guilty of mis-informing their low-information followers.
  7. We were planning on heading to Ocean City, NJ for the 4th . . .Gotta go to the back-up plan. . .
  8. Rules? What rules? Rules don't apply to my kid. Let's all just do whatever the hell we want cuz I SAY SO. The mother is an a$$ . . .
  9. Great Soundtrack too! Gotta add votes for Flash and Starship Troopers. Dune (w/ Kyle Maclachlan)... Awful interpretation of the book, and yet I'm strangely fascinated by the depth of the film's hideousness....
  10. I'm on the fence. I like the premise of the show, and I've watched in the past... That said, this is a pretty unlikable cast. And why? why? why? is there ALWAYS a barista? To me, that is the single most pretentious word in the English language.
  11. Amazing to see the diversity of tastes that people have. Personally, I love both the Eagles and Steely Dan. Steve Miller is OK . . . I would vote for anything by Jethro Tull. And despite my professed love of progressive and art rock (Rush, Yes, Genesis, etc.), Pink Floyd has been played to death by one of the Buffalo stations. I've enjoyed the break from 1,000 PF songs per day here in Philly.
  12. Actor: William Holden, Jimmy Stewart, Denzel Washington Actress: J. Law; Meryl Streep
  13. I never knew what twerking was . . . Jeez I'm old.
  14. What was the "thing" she wore on only one leg?
  15. The most transparent administration . . . From LABillz' article linked above: along with providing news of the emails that have been lost, the IRS suggested in the same letter to Congress that it end its investigation. :lol:
  16. Lost e-mail "simply not feasible..." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/06/13/veteran-it-professional-gives-six-reasons-why-the-irs-claim-that-it-lost-two-years-of-lois-lerners-emails-is-simply-not-feasible/
  17. Don't forget misogynistic . . .
  18. Light blue and yellow . . .
  19. No, that was Marilu Henner . . .
  20. Apparently there are 15 others who feel like you . . . And I'm firmly in the "you don't cut your Pro-Bowl players" camp.
  21. Amazing to think that there are still people like this out there in 2014. To me, this is 10x worse than the Dollar General lady. She went off on a guy ans likely just used the most inflammatory language she could. Not defending her at all, but she's an amateur compared to this.... This guy has some deep-seeded issues . . . just. wow.
  22. Probably owns a gun too! And if he has employees, he probably pays them fair market wage for their skills, irrespective of whether that's the minimum wage. Oh, that arrogant bastage! Why can't he be more like Bill Maher!?!??!
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