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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. To quote the chick in the AT&T commercials: "Oh, that's terrifying."
  2. Thank you! It was more comical than serious . . . but if i worked in a more "serious" office, there may have been more to it . . . No harm, no foul... And I didn't ask . . . .
  3. Didn't read the article, but an NSFW listing might have been nice. I clicked the link and the moment I did a female co-worker popped in for a quick conversation. I have no idea what's on my screen, and the headline is blaring: XX% of WOMEN CAN't FIND A VAGINA...
  4. Living in Philly, I couldn't care less about the Eagles . . .Total apathy.
  5. What he said. . . I don't think the "reasonable" person test would add "Christian Identity" to the list of Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Islam, Judaism, etc . . .
  6. No goofball . . .you can't deny service at your restaurant because of the color of someone's skin. Now you're just at reducto absurdum. The owners of the establishment have a legitimate objection on the basis of religion. I submit that you can't show me any organized religion that advocates discrimination on the basis of skin color. . . .
  7. Oh, I'm far from confused. You simply refuse to address any of my points with a meaningful and insightful answer as to why the PC Gay Marriage right trumps freedom of religion. I submit that no discrimination took place because they (the couple) were not denied services outright. In return, I'm told that I'm confused and that my arguments are, your word: retarded.
  8. There should be a song about that!!
  9. Foul. . . right up there with microwaving fish...
  10. Your right to a gay marriage ceremony should not trump the constitutionally protected right to free exercise of religion. The "patrons" in question had, I'm sure, plenty of choices for locations to hold their ceremony. That they decided to call this place, record the call, and then report their situation to the "proper authorities" speaks volumes about how this all came about. The free enterprise system works both ways. There are plenty of people at my workplace who will not patronize Chick-Fil-A . . .Choices, freedom, etc . . .that's what it's about. Not a fascist-style drumbeat to which we all must march. That's the part that you don't get.
  11. Broke what law? The petty, everybody get on the PC Express Law? Then yes, for the first time in your life you're correct. Otherwise, please tell me how the state isn't forcing the property owners, or any NY State citizen, to jump on the PC train? Allow homosexual marriages on your property or we'll fine you $13K is not a good replacement for Excelsior . . . My point is simply that the state should not be allowed to fine or force people to do things that are against their legitimate beliefs. Spare me the Housing discrimination crap. they didn't refuse to rent an apartment to them. They refused to hold the ceremony on the property but were willing to hold the reception . . . How is that discriminatory? Gotta love the fact that the property owners have to be "re-educated" as well. . . . I don't give a flying f*** at a rolling do-nut as to how anyone lives their life. When it intrudes on my constitutionally protected right to practice religion freely, the state should be there to protect me, not fine me and force me to do things that violate my personal beliefs, however PC they may be at the moment. I VERY surprised that i didn't get the knuckle-dragging, Faux News loving, right wing invective. Instead i just got "i'm bored." Oh, and I got called "retarded" too. Nice. . . How's that working into your progressive mindset? You've just offended every person on this board who has a "special needs" child or relative. You're a real bleeding heart there GF , , , Or is your love for all of humanity only reserved for those whose beliefs fit your paradigm? Apparently, those afflicted with Down's Syndrome need not apply.
  12. Truly . . . Should I begin to picket the local Jewish deli for not serving bacon? Where does it end? I find it amazing the GF continues this thread with how "bigot's" are ruining america for him and other progressives, and yet remains completely clueless about the intrusion on personal rights by the state. Madison and Jefferson are spinning in their graves over this . . . It has nothing to do with being "enlightened..." It has everything to do with the state enforcing its beliefs on individual citizens. And the progressive crowd (likely brandishing their laminated ACLU and Amnesty Int'l membership cards) are leading the charge with torches and pitchforks hunting down the "bigots."
  13. If you don't feel personally responsible for the actions of the government, or "white americans," why does this bother you? There are plenty of other ways for you to support Native Americans... What makes this single, meaningless gesture the point where you make your stand? And of course, i have no way of knowing whether you support Native American causes in any way shape or form . . .
  14. No, I'm not denying that it happened at all. I'm simply wondering why you feel personally responsible for the tragedy. As if your actions now in some way lessen the impact of events that occurred centuries ago . . .
  15. Philly is one of 3 markets where you can stream the Sunday ticket online. Paid my $199 and will just plug my laptop into the TV via HDMI to catch all the games.
  16. How can you stand upright with all that guilt on your back? I wonder if Spaniards are thinking about how they decimated native american populations through disease and conquest . . .and are they wracked with guilt over it like this?
  17. I find it astounding that so many people get their panties in an uproar over this . . . Does this issue, on either side, affect the quality of life for me or for my family? Or anyone else for that matter? Not. One. Iota...
  18. I disagree. . . He can add "excels at multi-tasking" to his resume . . .
  19. 1,125,500,000 That ought ta do 'er . . .
  20. Did the OP really think that anyone on here wasn't going to think that Paul Begala is a hyper-partisan hack? What does the job that Cheney did 5 -13 years ago have anything to do with the current geo-political situation? Bush? Yes... Cheney? Not so much. I wonder if in 7 years, people on the right will be complaining about the job that Biden did as VP? I stand firm in my belief that history will be fairly kind to the Bush -Cheney presidency. Bush was no Teddy Roosevelt or Thomas Jefferson, but he was no Harding. BO will be compared to Harding IMHO...
  21. Quote: Editor's note: Paul Begala, a Democratic strategist and CNN political commentator, was a political consultant for Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in 1992 ..." Do you swallow absolutely EVERYTHING the media tells you?
  22. I've had PACs (Premature Atrial Contractions) for about 20 years. No biggie. That said, when it first started, I was FREAKED! I don't think you're being a puss...It's your heart after all. Let's all hope your situation is the same and Chef's and mine and is no big deal. Good luck!
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