I recall reading an essay somewhere (sadly I don't remember where or when), and the gist of it was that it's easy to be a Liberal Democrat in America. Virtually everything you see or read in the media agrees with your point of view. Big 3 Network news? Check. CNN? Check.
Can't watch Fox News (or should I say Faux News, cuz I'm smart. I went to college) because that's for low intellect people (Which is false BTW: http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/hoaxes/foxnews.asp)
Pick up a newspaper? Well, the NY Times and the Washington Post are two of the most widely read papers and they agree with me. Ha! Can't pick up that nasty Wall Street Journal... that's for the 1%'ers...
Watch Movies or TV? Same, same . . . Can you ever recall a show or movie that painted a Republican in a favorable light? The West Wing, the American President, etc. etc. etc. All are flowery depictions of a liberal utopia.
But what about HBO's Newsroom? That guy is a Republican! No, no he's not. He's what Aaron Sorkin thinks R's should be like.
Denying Liberal Bias in the media is senseless. If you can't see it, it's because of everything I stated above. It's a systematic reprogramming of the American Mind. It's intentional, and it's working.