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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. My company is opening a third manufacturing facility in Zhuhai China. I leave on March 13, and I'll be there 'til April 10. The good news is that Zhuhai is very close to both Hong Kong and to Macau. I'm wondering if any of my fellow Bills fans have been to any of these three areas and have any recommendations for weekend outings, good food, or off the beaten path experiences. Excited and terrified at the prospect of spending a month in China . . .
  2. The Coach was n a$$**** and set the stage for EXACTLY what Schopp and Bulldog do today.
  3. My name ends in "ski," ergo . . .
  4. And the hits keep-a-comin' from the WaPo. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/speak-up-gov-walker/2015/02/16/5c63a1d0-b5ff-11e4-9423-f3d0a1ec335c_story.html I LOVE the first line: If I were a Republican, I think I might have supported Scott Walker for president. Let me fill in the rest: But, I'm a partisan hack, so here's my hatchet job on a no-win, very inconsequential question asked of a guy who may or may not be running for President. Notice I kept mum about 57 states and "You can keep your insurance." The guy who refused to answer a loaded question about evolution is the real danger . . .
  5. 18 million people per week disagree with the OP. That said, they do seem to be losing their mojo. The season where Wolowitz went to space was the peak. For me, the show jumped the shark when Raj became able to speak to women . . .
  6. They're "learning" social justice?? They're being indoctrinated . . .
  7. Don't forget about the extremely electable Bernie Sanders: https://www.credomobilize.com/petitions/encourage-senator-bernie-sanders-to-run-for-president-in-2016-as-a-democrat
  8. Sorry, it's in B-Man's link "actually saved teacher's jobs."
  9. Teachers get a pretty bum rap and I assume it's mainly because of the peach of a benefits package they receive. To see that Walker did this: With “collective bargaining rights” limited to wages, Koczela was able to change the teachers’ benefits package to fill the budget gap. Requiring teachers to contribute 5.8 percent of their salary toward pensions saved $600,000. Changes to their health care plan​—​such as a $10 office visit co-pay (up from nothing)​—​saved $200,000. Upping the workload from five classes, a study hall, and two prep periods to six classes and two prep periods saved another $200,000. The budget was balanced. ... is a step in the right direction.
  10. I'm headed to the UK next Saturday. I'll report when I get back . . . ( )
  11. Beat me to it again, Pooj...
  12. Hit piece #2 . . . http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/scott-walkers-yellow-politics/2015/02/12/1dde50c0-b2fa-11e4-827f-93f454140e2b_story.html?hpid=z2 He must really have the left worried . . . .
  13. Trumpy was a Bills hater. He walked up to Jim Kelly prior to the '93 AFC Championship game in a Dolphins jacket and then wondered why Kelly wouldn't give him an interview. He was a jerk . . .
  14. And already the Washington Post has vetted Scott Walker far more than they ever did Barack Obama. And the WaPo is by far the most balanced of the left-leaning MSM. Imagine how bad this will get by next spring. Maybe he even cut someone's hair!!! http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/as-scott-walker-mulls-white-house-bid-questions-linger-over-college-exit/2015/02/11/8e17ea44-b13e-11e4-886b-c22184f27c35_story.html
  15. Fetters is also accused of inviting the victim to stay the night with her and engage in sexual intercourse, but authorities were made aware of the situation before that happened. That will probably scar the kid more than anything else . . . . I can see him pacing back and forth in his room, "so close . . . .sooooo close "
  16. I still wonder why anyone who is Jewish would vote Democratic at any level . . . .
  17. These statements remind me of SB 28 and the Cowboys stating that they "knew" Thurman would fumble the ball. Riiiiiigggggghhhhhtttt.
  18. I'll recast votes for The Stand and Starship Troopers. I can add: Red Storm Rising - Tom Clancy Fatherland - Robert Harris 11/22/63 - Stephen King
  19. Gotta love the first line of the story: Go Beavers!!
  20. From that bastion of conservative reporting, the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/03/07/texas-isnt-just-leading-the-nation-in-job-growth-its-doing-it-more-equitably-too/
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