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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Before that, you were a patch of mildew for 85 days after your life as … Mildew? Ugh
  2. Ha, love the body language by her. "I got this!"
  3. +1 on JLD . . . She is getting hotter with age. Amy Schumer is absolutely hilarious. Tina Fey is lost on me. I lump her in with Will Ferrell . . . Why do people think they're funny? Obnoxious and stupid? Yes, funny? no . . .
  4. Reducto absudium doesn't become you . . . abortion is legal. Murder is not. Try again . . .
  5. Oh, so both parties should end up dead? I did preface the statement by saying that if abortion were illegal, women would still seek them out. Personally, i will never be pregnant ,so i have no claim. if my 18 yr. old daughter came home pregnant today, i would encourage her to have the baby, and then we would assist in his/her upbringing until she is done with college or established in a career . . .
  6. I find the concept abhorrent, but . . . If they were illegal, women would still seek them out. Legal and safe (and rare) is position i can live with.
  7. Every illusion i've ever had about the talent level of the individual performers in Rush is now shattered . . .
  8. I will have a large group at the game in Philly . . .
  9. A little homesick. End of week 2 in China. One more week to go . . .
  10. Got pushed back a week, but I'm sitting in my living room waiting for the car that will take me to the airport. not back 'til April 10! Gan Bai (Cheers!)
  11. Paging Mr. White to the men's room. Mr. White to the Men's room.
  12. All this said, you're not a pro athlete charged with running down some of he fastest, strongest men on the planet . . .
  13. Gotta hand it to CNN. What a fair and balanced article. /sarcasm. It's worth noting that not all top Democrats are planning to be in Selma either.
  14. The Who in their prime were a better Rock and Roll band than the Stones. No one is "absolutely" wrong as taste in art is universally subjective.
  15. Has this doofus seen: Marie Harf: https://www.google.com/search?q=harf&espv=2&biw=1680&bih=925&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=NZL4VO24GIGFgwSW9YHQCw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=marie+harf+glasses&revid=1276048791 or Jen Psaki: https://www.google.com/search?q=harf&espv=2&biw=1680&bih=925&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=NZL4VO24GIGFgwSW9YHQCw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=jen+psaki&revid=1095323448
  16. Except that the Democratic Party and the Unions in Wisconsin didn't beat him (twice). Nice try tho . . .
  17. News shows and Sports radio here are mixed on the trade. they realize that McCoy was a huge salary burden, and they can now do more in FA, so it's seen as positive. The part that ticks me off is how they're all say, "Oh, he's gonna hate Buffalo!" Yeah, houses cost 1/2 what they do here, taxes are similar, and there's no weekend traffic jams. Yeah, he's gonna hate Buffalo.
  18. And these are the people that will have a sign that says, "Watch for Motorcycles" on their front lawns . . .
  19. One of our Product Manages came back with a "Rolex." It's actually quite nice. And I just went for my vaccinations: Hep a, Hep c, typhoid, a rabies booster, plus I picked up an anti-diahrea pack. How glamorous.
  20. Rats! I've been outed on my true mission!
  21. I've heard that Google in general is blocked in China, I'm assuming this doesn't apply to the Maps/GPS App . . .
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