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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Another vote for Woodford Reserve. Exceptionally smooth and flavorful . . .
  2. Really? Have you seen Rogue 1? That was the best film in the franchise since Empire . . .
  3. I've said it before. NFL officiating is a clown show, and on par with the WWE. "Good guys" get all the favorable calls and the "heels" get screwed over. the whole thing needs to be blown up and recreated from scratch because the current system is a joke. they don't even know what a catch is . . . holding, even blatant holding, is often overlooked. Remember the Steelers - Cardinals Super bowl?
  4. it's a good thing we didn't lose any "great" players (at least not among the three listed by the OP).
  5. At least we didn't trade up to #3 to get Maybin...
  6. YES! Even her make-up commercial is must see TV. I stopped watching Treasure on Oak Island after 2 seasons. it became pretty obvious that there's no "there" there. Any "talent" competition show . . . Yuck.
  7. Ditto for me. I was there with my brother and some friends. We were maybe 10 yards from Joe Strummer during the Clash. My brother started ot get sick from the cruch of preople, so we moved back to about the 50 yard line. Great Show. and it did rain during Love reign Oer Me. I said to my bro, "it's nice when God shows up at the conncert."
  8. Never tell me the odds . . .
  9. My two favorites have already been mentioned: Bridge on the River Kwai The Caine Mutiny I'll add a stop, drop and watch movie for me: Sink the Bismarck.
  10. I'll answer: none none and none. If youre looking for a pat on the back, you might be in the wrong place. I still haven't seen any evidence posted, youre simply calling out other poasters, and looking for your participation trophy.
  11. The reason you're fetching criticism from some of the other posters is because you don't sound like a disciple of MLK. quite the contrary, you're whining about your white privilege while spouting generalities and platitudes without any specifics or evidence of institutionalized racism. i, and i'm sure many others, get tired of being called a racist because i thought the ACA one of the worst pieces of legislation ever passed by the gov't or because i voted for Trump. your posts in the thread have not presented anything other than those same talking points. Yawn.
  12. and it would be fair and non-partisan if media outlets such as the NYT, WaPo and CNN actually looked into this instead of, as you said, simply saying "nuh-uh." Amazing how fervently and aggressively anti-trump the main media outlets have been. they flipped the switch from carrying the water to being 100% contrarian quite quickly and effortlessly (not that i expected any different).
  13. As much as it sticks in my throat, 11 conference championship games and 7 super bowls make Brady the GOAT.
  14. Amazing that the purposeful obfuscation of defecit and debt by the left extends even to the senate.
  15. Going again today, but in IMAX 3D.
  16. He's also the first to decry that there's no winning culture in our teams, yet he steps on the logo in the Sabres locker room and then pawns it off as being overly sensitive. I love the fact that those players had so much respect for the team and its symbol that they had an unwritten rule and called him on it. We could use more of that in Pegula S & E...
  17. More likely she beat it into you. I had her for Geometry. Not my favorite teacher.
  18. Just as it always has. Never make a stop, sack or turnover to change momentum. They just get rolled . . .
  19. Not sure what happened to his game, but he is a liability out there in Rex's defense where DB's are on an island. No way he's back next year. They could put a high school kid out there and get similar results.
  20. Wow, i get this reference. And yes, you would draw the line at Irma in the lunch line. '82... you?
  21. He's gotta catch him first . . .
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