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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. I did NOT. I usually fly my Bills flag on game day. I injured my foot last week and i'm still hobbling around, so i didn't put the flag up.
  2. Chicago rocks. New Orleans as well. Good places to visit, but i don't want to live there.
  3. I sometimes wonder about you lot. As soon as I saw the iPhone commercial with the aforementioned female/unicorn with the totally mis-matched eye-brows, I thought of this thread, and that someone would post it with a "hubba hubba." To each their own I guess, but these's a LOT of SMH in these threads.
  4. Mrags should stay . . .
  5. But he's a good locker room guy!
  6. i gathered. Opinions are like you know, everyone has one and they all stink. I stand by my contention that he is NOT "playing on one leg," Doc.
  7. You missed the point. He's not "playing on one leg." In the grand scheme of things, he has a boo boo. And go back and read the first phrase of my post. i think you'll find that i did not compare my "ordinary joe" with cutting on a dime on field turf.
  8. While i'm not a pro athlete, nor do i play one on TV, a torn meniscus isn't really that big of a deal once the initial swelling goes down. I tore mine playing volleyball about 8 years ago. I was back to jogging within a few weeks with no ill effects. He might be mildly limited, but hardly "playing on one leg."
  9. Any version of Little Drummer Boy - Ugh! And Springsteen's Santa Claus is Comin' to Town is always a skip or a station changer.
  10. Wegman's Tuscan Garlic Bread. Heaven... And a 2nd vote for Cornbread with jalapenos . . .
  11. Perhaps she moved? https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/mad-pooper-colorado-jogger-apologizes-for-pooping-on-familys-lawn
  12. you can thank the Couch that (yes, purposely mis-spelled). Guy was a total d-bag.
  13. I've never been so angry at a Bills win. Just makes me want to stop watching. No one should ever be allow to display that level of ineptitude and keep their job. Or have paying customers. There is no way the NFL should continue to allow this kind of garbage.
  14. Wishing juicy breasts and curvy legs to all! Gobble Gobble!
  15. Siruis XM Channel 38 . . . .
  16. I've been calling Gillette Stadium the hallowed grounds of HGH Field for a few years now. That's the "ancient Chinese Secret" for ole TB. None of this will help keep him from getting plastered by some 22 year old who is stronger, faster and harder hitting than anything he's ever seen before. the day is coming, and i will laugh, and laugh, and laugh....
  17. I'm in Reading!! Pretty traditional. Mom coming down from Buffalo this year. Roasted Turkey Brined Turkey Breast Stuffing Garlic Mashed Potatoes Creamed Peas & Carrots Brussel Sprouts Gravy Rolls Apple & Pecan Pies
  18. It's right outside the HR office, so only about 50, maybe even less. I'd rather sit at my desk naked than drop a deuce at work , so i don't do the exec lounge thing . . .
  19. When i need to clear my head, i go for a short walk. Up the stairs on the east wing where my office is, over through the lobby, down the stairs on the west wing (no, not that one), then past the cafeteria back to my office in HR. Sometimes, i stop for a small coffee at the Corner Perk. it's about 250 steps and 2 staircases, and the views out the back toward the rolling hills around Reading are spectacular. I do this 2-3 times a day. Helps me get my fitbit steps too . . . .
  20. It’s neither a catastrophe for the GOP nor a breakthrough for the Dems. Nobody should get cocky, especially since voters basically hate both parties. But, but, but the NYT and WaPo, those bastions of "fair and balanced" reporting are telling me that Dems winning Blue states is the harbinger of DOOM for the Republicans. I don't understand??
  21. Any of the women in this one, but the blonde in particular.
  22. How much longer can he be an effective locker room guy when his on field production is so fugly. I can honestly state that my ear for his locker room talk would tune out given the way he performs on the field . . .
  23. and that makes him such attractive trade bait. Oh wait . . .
  24. ^^^ This . . . Partying and drinking champagne with 80,000 of my closest friends that entire second half.
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