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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. And there’s the wasted TO.
  3. Offense is back to useless
  4. He didn’t catch that.
  5. But at least Miller made a play.
  6. Defense is just getting gashed now. KC looks.Ike the 2020 Version, not the crap show that was in GB last week.
  7. How much of the vital salary cap is tied up on Special Teams. My god they suck this year.
  8. Choking this one away.
  9. Whelp, there’s yout ball game.
  10. I've been to Penn 6 - great atmosphere and great location. We were there for the 35-0 Bills - Dolphins game a few years back. Place was PACKED! Contact the Backer Club before hand (i think i reached them thru Facebook) to reserve a table, otherwise you'll be at the bar in standing room.
  11. The refs are certainly as inept as the Jets O.
  12. This is definitely a JV ref crew.
  13. Good gravy - 9 in the box. Not gonna let Hall beat us. Gonna make Wilson do it. Seems unlikely at the moment.
  14. That’s a good start.
  15. Ooh, Hill got injured on that crappy 4th down play.
  16. OMG, the CBS pre-game show was unbearable today. You would think that the Dolphins were the greatest thing since sliced bread. 🤮
  17. I talked with a guy who worked for coke back in the day…. Diet Coke has its own recipe. Coke Zero is the original Coke recipe, but with a zero calorie sweetener. All that said, if I’m drinking pop, I go for a diet Dr. Pepper.
  18. I can appreciate the "outsiders" insight, and unfortunately I'm on my work laptop, so I can't access the entire article... That said the author is conflating the loss in the 2020 AFC Championship game with the 13 Seconds loss in 2021. If you're going to make a valid point anywhere, at least verify that you have your facts straight. And wasn't this the same guy who stated that the Bills "running backs room is in shambles" prior to this season?
  19. 5-4, not ideal. I felt good coming into the game - so much for that.
  20. F*** That was a good drive
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