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Philly McButterpants

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About Philly McButterpants

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    Lexington, SC

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  1. I’m not pinning all of this on the Bills. That was an atrocious job by the refs. They basically carried the Pat*s to their last score.
  2. Now let’s see if the D remembers how to play football.
  3. exactly. Please stop drafting and signing undersized players. Sick and tired of watched EVERY TEAM get a push on us.
  4. Yeah, find a drunk guy in the stands and dress him.
  5. Ugh. This defense is just garbage. All I heard all week was how the Pat*s O-line is made up of “replacement level” players. They look like the freakin’ Hogs out there.
  6. After further review. We need to screw the team playing against the Chiefs.
  7. I would be very surprised if we don't see a repeat of yesterday. I fear that the Lions' dual threat offense will be unstoppable.
  8. Moved to the Columbia, South Carolina area in May - Gamecocks country. We actually went to the final home game last Saturday. WOW! What a great experience. Love garnet red. Go *****!
  9. No, it was a golf clap. Nice win. See you in January. Guy is a turd.
  10. I picked the Saints for this reason as well. They just kept kicking the can down the road with no hope of being anything more than mediocre.
  11. Casablanca Force 10 from Navarone The Empire Strikes Back Jaws Big Trouble in Little China Bridge on the River Kwai
  12. At least Publix has Sahlen's Hot Dogs 🙂
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