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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. All Trent has going for him, at the moment, is that he's the coach's pet. His decision making is at failure level and it seems psychologically induced. I don't know that he can be salvaged; I would say he is very damaged goods.
  2. Say the league average on 4th down conversions is 1 in 3, which I believe is close to the actual rate. Let's imagine the Bills, for whatever reason, are much better. Their mean is 1 in 6 let's say for 2009. That's the mean they are going to regress to, not the league average. The league average has nothing to do with individual team cases. Know I'm preaching to the choir here but I can't stand the other guy.
  3. I agree 100%. Three years ago, given CBS's technology, that 'bobble' would have been undetected. The ref certainly couldn't have noticed it with his eyes. An artificial call enabled by slo-mo distortion. A prime example of the tail(technology) wagging the dog( NFL football).
  4. What's his arrogance quotient now? It was pretty high when he played that uncalled for dirty trick on the Bills.
  5. Bunch of people don't comprehend that after season starts the 2nd string QB essentially sits on ice.
  6. Only reason they gave it the look they did was because it was a game winner. Can't let the Bills have that.
  7. How about we trade you to another board for a roll of toilet paper?
  8. And they returned him to field too soon last year.
  9. If you review and reverse that play, NFL, you have review ALL sideline pass completions. If was a ref homer screwing to the Bills, as usual.
  10. First of all, if Trent suffered a concussion, there's 100% chance he will not play next week.
  11. Wonder what his QB rating was? about 5?
  12. 2nd concussion inside of a year...Trent's out 3 - 4 weeks minimum.
  13. Coward?...He's an EFFING IDIOT!!!!!!!
  14. Lame QB enbled by lame-brained coach...probably 80% of what's wrong with the offense.
  15. 1 in a million scenario...contemplating it is a complete waste of thought.
  16. And use his head as a hockey puck? Feeling a wee bit disrespectful.
  17. Good. A slow-speed no-huddle was self-defeating.
  18. Guest spook in a rotation of haunted houses at Halloween time.
  19. Other than Ralph hasn't a clue on how to get out of his self-made mess, one BIG problem is the HC thinks he has a starting QB and the QB thinks he has a functioning HC. That's as deadly embrace as I've ever seen.
  20. I think his only consideration for the last few years has been lining up a package for his daughters. I don't like the death tax in general, but in THIS case I wish that the heirs would get $100,000 tax free and a 99% tax on the rest. Advice to Ralph: take a shower in a Western NY waterfall in January to hasten the inevitable...I believe the death tax in 2010 is near zero.
  21. 1. Fire DJ. 2. Fire DJ. 3. Fire DJ. 4. Fire DJ. 5. Fire DJ. 6. Someone convince Ralph to sell the team, now!
  22. What you will see is enough lame excuses to file the stadium.
  23. Hopeless with a capital 'H'.
  24. Time to re-open QB competition for the Bills. Now.
  25. Have you also noticed that Trent completes next to nothing while he is on the move? Be it a 30 or 3 yard pass attempt.
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