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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. And in how many of those 25 losses did he get sacked, fumble, and destroy any chance for a Bills' win?? Seems like all of them.
  2. What a start! Clements carelessly loses a punt. Bledsoe's first pass is to nobody and almost picked off. A gameplan that was beyond stupid...we need 9 yards pass for 6. we need 6 pass for 4 ALL GAME LONG.
  3. Given the expectations going into the game, I list this as one of the worst defeats,EVER, for the Bills franchise. This fiasco's fiasco renders null and void all the previous good progress of the team. I come out of this game wondering if we have a head coach, OC, and DC that actually know anything. No amount of rationalization can change the fact that Bills ended the season with one of the worst quarterbacks of the league at the helm. BD is a severe liability who will have to be dealt with before the '05 season. 12 year veterans who play like rookies can be replaced by rookies.
  4. That POS kicker made the previous extra point by about one foot. Was the coaching staff noticing? No friggin way I go for FG. Believe in your defense! MM was playing Wade-like chickenshit not to lose.
  5. There was not an ounce of Bills' leadership on display today from players to sideline.
  6. Someone with no peripheral vision should not be playing QB. I don't want to see DB in a Bills uniform again.
  7. This rivals any Bills game in the recent past in sheer unpreparedness. WHAT did they train on?? Jack Daniels and press clippings? Did they practice at all this week? Where in hell did the pre-season gameplan come from? Mularky's blank sideline expression was only exceeded by Bledsoe's robotic trance. I don't know about the rest of you, but it is certain as sunrise that in a pressure game, Drew comes apart like a cheap suit. He is without any doubt washed up as a legitamate NFL starting QB. The Bills will have to start from scratch in the starting QB evaluation sweepstakes. 4th and 1 at the 11 in the Jets or Rams game, I forget which, was a go for it aggressive play. In this game, it was a catalyst for failure. I have never been more embarressed to be a Bills fan.
  8. Were they on their deathbeds? Just kidding, Thurman's Helmet Edit: This was supposed to be a reply to main theme, not LaBillsfan.
  9. "Step forward for a football enima."
  10. The Raiders will have to beat the Jaqs. That's our only realistic chance assuming all else comes to pass.
  11. Here's my variation. A team must win 9 games to make playoffs. If a conference cannot meet that requirement for eight teams, the other conference gets to expand the widecards at the ohter conference's expense. For example, the AFC would get at least 1 extra team in the playoffs this season. It would mean one less bye team, but it would be fair and therefore never happen.
  12. Your chosen nickname speaks volumes.
  13. to pull for Oakland to win the last game of the regular season against JAX. Forgetting about the Sunday night and the Monday game
  14. He was a jackass as a LB. Guess nothing has changed.
  15. Eric Allen is babbling on what a legal hit that was. Darius gets suspended 10 to one
  16. That is the definition of a cheap shot. Some joker on ESPN is calling it a good play.
  17. Pisses me off every time I see Fred Taylor. Courtesy of Buffalo Bills worst trade in history.
  18. The lost to JAX, game one, was fatal to the Bills playoff aspirations. Who knew? JAX isn't about to lose either of their final two.
  19. GB's defense poor or what?
  20. On the other hand, if JAX loses they're done.
  21. Great run fake by Brett
  22. Give us fresh hope. tell us you bet 500 on Jax.
  23. Peters' block because it turned the momentum permanently.
  24. If you possess a top 5 D and a number 1 ST, a sputtering O is enough to win games
  25. Kiss that c-note goodbye.
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