If TD had an once of sense he would sent JP to Europe this year. CW says you don't do that but common sense tells you he couldn't possibly be ready to start and perform at an acceptable level. Just another TD super miscaculation. My fanny will not fill a seat at the stadium until that arrogant dope is history.
This is the right answer but I can see it's beyond the comprehension level of most of our armchair coaches and the REAL coach also.
You don't project future scores to make the decision; you make the decision considering the risk/reward AT THE TIME.
If he comes back to play like his old effective self from an Achilles injury, he'll be the first. This is in all likelihood, career ending. R.I.P. Bills dominant defense.
I remember one, maybe two attempts, to no effect. To those of you that think TC is calling a good game, I believe you are hallucinating. I don't know what they're doing to JP's mind but whatever it is, it isn't working.
By the time they have indisputable evidence that JP isn't going to make the grade this season it will be too late to make a difference. If they pull him before the 6th game or so, they run the risk of ruining him or setting him back years. It will be obvious in a few weeks that the Bills are once again going nowhere. Then use Kelly to do what? Maybe it would make sense to alternate starts later when the season's lost to see what we have in a backup.
I saved on tickets too and I'm glad I didn't waste money on the NFL ticket. In fact, I going to start doing something useful on Sunday afternoons and TIVO this supposed 'entertainment' to watch later, maybe. I've reached my Koolaid limit.
I've been on Donahoe's a$$ for the lack of attention to the Oline since day one. It is reason enough to discredit all his other moves. It's football 101 and he doesn't get it.
Believe me, he's better than that. Unfortunately, the Bills might have to be mathematically eliminated before he calms down. Also, I think he's handicapped by running plays designed by a fool.
My argument is I have yet to see an imaginative gameplan against a good defense. Number two, I have yet to see intelligent or any other kind of halftime adjustments.
A couple more stinkers like last weekend should result in his replacement. He probably gets the rest of the year, but he has shown me nothing up to now.
My immediate candidate: Sam Wyche. Don't know that he would want the job, though.
Any antithesis comment?
To give my gloom and doom read on a loss to Atlanta, we would be staring at a 6 - 10 season....losing all road games and 2 at home. The nightmare scenario.
TD, Mularky, and Clements all hit the road...Gray becomes Bills HC...all if they finish 6 - 10 or worse.
This morning on the ESPN Mike & Mike show all the NFL scores were given in the update portion with a comment except for the last score announced and it was: 'The Tampa Bay Buccs beat the Bills 19 - 7. Nothing else. Fade to obscurity is in full bloom.