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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. I could say it's psychotic and stupid to express this opinion but I won't.
  2. Or of ever going out on a date of the opposite sex.
  3. We have to commune with our King don't we?
  4. Oh, the Bills did just dandy yesterday! Averaged a large 3.6 yrd gain/play which is below our average of 3.8 for the whole season. 3.8/play equals the Texans for last of the league.
  5. And we fumbled and recovered about 3 times. If any of those fumbles went the other way, the Bills lose. We, in fact, are a very bad team with multiple problems (many of them coaching) that a QB replacement only serves to obscure and delay the inevitable.
  6. Channel 6 in Albany on TW is NOT HD quality.
  7. I'm at long last out of patience with this organization and Ralph Wilson in particular. For 36 years I've watched this fool interfere with the team in various petty ways. A QB change like this has to come from the top. Ralph have your stroke and get it over with. Leave the stage to someone who cares. I'm through waiting for miracles.
  8. I know I won't be missed; there's at least a couple hundred fruitloops on this board to keep the incompetents happy.
  9. If we have a QB change on Sunday, and Mularky knows it today, and gives that BS answer then we have one of the most balless, dumb-ass ***** imaginable as HC. If true, my caring for the Bills will be coming to an abrupt end.
  10. I agree that he'll start. I also hope he gets sacked about 8 times, showing the masses that the real culprit is not the QB, but coaches who can't coach and a general manager who doesn't know how to manage.
  11. Ralph actually died in 2003. TD's hired a double to play the part. The wife gets big bucks to play along.
  12. They think Kelly is going to start. Don't know where they get that.
  13. Worse case no matter what the final record(assuming 6 W or less)...TD stays A best case a new GM who knows how to build a team( don't have a name) takes over and cleans house, both players and staff.
  14. Who are the freaking 18%? The Stevie Wonders of the football world? On the other hand, I expect Tom to throw Mike from the train at the end of the season....for doing exactly what Ol Whitey wanted.
  15. The only reality TD is going to face is the picking which of 1000 available excuses he's going to use on the old man. Ralph is so around the bend it really won't make any difference on what rationalization path he takes. For us, he'll be mixing up Kool-aid by the boatload.
  16. I think that we should have a prize for the last fan to capitulate this season. I think you will make it to the final 4.
  17. I was thinking that when we got trashed by Pittsburgh. Maybe the Pitt game was the true measure of the team and coaching and the other was pure luck.
  18. Hey, I see the Sunday gatherings as an excuse to get liquored up, have a picnic, and meet old friends. The attraction can not be to watch good football. So like the old HS gathering spot in my hometown, long after it was demolished, kids gathered there as in the old days. So shall it be with the Ralph. Why does Western NY need a football team to conduct the 'normal' activities on gameday? Just rerun some of the past glorious games on the Jumbotron; most of the crowd won't even notice.
  19. The sad situation seems to be TD hired two of the biggest boneheads ever to grace the Pittsburg sidelines. TD is suffering from a newly discovered syndrome called SJD (Severe Judgement Deficit). There is no cure.
  20. The team hasn't hit rock bottom yet. A loss to Miami at home qualifies.
  21. Nothing will happen unless 'the fear of God ' overtakes Donahoe's soul..in other words, Ralph threatens his job. Not going to happen. Before Ralph wises up to the fact that he has a charlatan as a GM, he'll be dead. If you give him twenty years, TD might build a winner. It's obvious that he had nothing much to do with the Pitt sucess. IMO, Ole Whitey has been Peter-principled into the Stratosphere. So everyone write an ending to one of the organizational laughing-stocks of the league, the Buffalo Bills, and how the fans get rid of the overgrown tick known as TD from the Bills body. I'll bet it will not be a happy ending.
  22. All things being equal, all teams should be .500 over the long haul. Obviously, there have been 7 truly bad teams in the last 4 years, the Bills being one of that number.
  23. What have they got to lose? Unleash him. Could he play worse than last week? I don't think that's possible. JP's problem is lodged squarely between his ears...he needs to decompress from his gametime self-induced hopped up mental state. When he calms down or the season is effectively over, whichever comes first, he will perform much better, I believe.
  24. Superb. I'm printing it out.
  25. In Jim's case, the dog warden in Lyons, NY. He can recruit but can't coach a lick(Jimbo, not the warden).
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