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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. Right. Their notion of trick plays are the ones that anyone with an ounce of common sense would never try or the risk/reward context was not adequately evaluated.
  2. Gonna rename it the 'Let Me Tell Ya' club. Seriously, I'd like to see that renamed for someone who cares 2 hoots for the Bills. McGuire's in the ex category as far as I'm concerned.
  3. There's the pathetic effort we we came to know and love.
  4. 9 PM Eastern start yields maximum national prime time exposure, if you compute network prime time as 8 - 11 PM. 2hrs/e + 3hrs/c + 2hrs/m + 1hr/w = 8hrs vs. for 8 PM E start 3hrs + 2hrs + 1hr + 0 = 6hrs It's all for the money, bottomline.
  5. About a dozen years ago, I attended a Bills game where 6 Canadians sat to the left and we were nearly on the aisle. One of the 6 got up every 2 minutes to buy beer or go to the restroom until the 4th quarter. They must have spend $45 a piece on beer. They drank like someone told them there was going to be a new prohibition. Later, we realized we should have traded seats with them. What a miserable experience that was.
  6. Actually, a good point. Score before our coaches go super stupid in the zone. It's a JP conspiracy to keep the decisions out of hands of the confused.
  7. Next thing we'll hear is that Losman wasn't supposed to throw either of the TD passes. I'm sorry but I think that Mularkey is a first class moron.
  8. I half expect a leak on Thursday indicating Mathews has taken most of the snaps in practice.
  9. Nah, let's ask Lee Evans.
  10. Some on this board may have a crow( the size of a turkey) dinner prepared for them by season's end. I will enjoy watching the feathers fly.
  11. LOL! Also he might try the send-out-Tom's-resume-to-every-college-hc-opening-in-America ploy.
  12. Don't agree with much, but you're on a streak today. Yeah, we were fairly crappy against the run, but today's effort was the prototype for how the Bills were supposed to win this year. Causing turnovers and preventing the other team from scoring are the 2 most important things a good defense does.
  13. I take the post as sarcasm to the nth degree. If not, a very sick person was posting here.
  14. Why do you think the play calling will get any better with JP in there? I'm pretty sure JP will still be here 3 years from now. More than I predict for those two bozos. Soon, in the next year or two, JP will realize he knows more about calling a game than his bosses. And that won't be any great achievement if the bosses are still these two.
  15. What do you base this on? His handling of Losman is anything but rational, IMO. That move of bringing JP into the NE slaughter game last season when he had indicated that the 2nd stringer was going in was bush beyond belief. He may appear to have a plan but I can't see anything that can't be attributed to random swings of mood up to now.
  16. "Tedy endorsed this? Tastes like camel pi$$!
  17. A fake apology from an insincere person with a phony personality. Ditto for the ahole standing next to him.
  18. Any player who is looking to pick fights in his own locker room has crossed the line. No one but a madman would keep such a player in a team sport. TO's mindset is more fitting for boxing or wrestling where being an uncontrollable egomaniac is encouraged.
  19. You could sum all this up by saying Donahoe is not capable of seeing the big picture.....A fatal flaw for the GM position.
  20. Super winners are essential built in 4 ways: (1) Dominant D --- adequate O, fair and above coaching (2) Dominant O --- adequate D, fair and above coaching (3) Good O --------- good D ----- good coaching, or (4) Adequate O ----good D ------ great coaching. The Bills are none of these. Coming into the '05 campaign, the optimists claimed we were SB bound in a year or two because we were a #1 type. However, most will agree we do not qualify under that category. We have a less than adequate D, a less than adequate O, and what appears to be less than average coaching. What does this buy us? A trip to the sidelines when the playoffs start. Now what GM/HC relationship has managed to make teams SB winners? I'm not all that interested in runnersup. The big dance winners usually have good to great coaches who have GM like powers over the player personnel. The GMs on those teams, in general, stay out of the way of the HC and for most part want it that way. This is far and away the most prevalent type of winner. A second type is a powerful owner/GM and great HC. There are far fewer of these successful collaborations. Jones/Johnson in Dallas is one of few examples. A third type is sort of random. These winners are either a function of very dominant defense( 85 Bears) or result of a predecessor's legacy( Seifert in SF). There are actually more of these than the second type. Where do the Bills fall into this mix? IMO, the Bills have a dominant GM who is not by any means a genius. He favors weak coaches who he can push around. There has not been a Super Bowl winning combination like this with one exception....the Jerry Jones/ Switzer winning team. That actually is a case of predecessor legacy. Ralph did have a near miss with Polian/Levy. If Polian had stayed with the Bills long enough, he would have won it. It would have required Marv's replacement, in my view, to get it right. Donahoe is too flawed to get the job done. It would only happened under his regime if he hired a dominant, guru type HC. That would mean he would have fade into the woodwork and give up the spotlight to the HC. Not going to happen. For Ralph to reach his imputed goal of bring a title to Buffalo, it is imperative that he take power away from his President of the organization and give much of it to the HC. Even so, it is not at all clear that current HC is capable of handling the minimal powers he does now possess. I conclude that is almost no chance that the Bills management will lead the team to ultimate victory unless it becomes dominant defensively and offensively like the old Steelers and Cowboy teams. And since those teams had excellent coaching as well as players, I think there's no chance at all for Ralph Wilson.
  21. I think that Ralph is incapable of making a well-informed decision on 'his' team, anymore. I suspect that he is being led around by his nose by somebody, the chief suspect being TD himself. It's called getting old. Throw in a dollup of Alzheimers and a little less mental agility each year and you have Ralph Wilson, 2005 edition. Who is going to advise Ralph that TD is poison to the Bills SB hopes? IMO, Ralph is at the point of not caring any longer...just fill up the stadium for each home game or some facsimile thereof and leave him alone.
  22. Do think Flutie would still be playing if he couldn't avoid a pass rush? Holcomb's days are numbered for that reason alone. For that reason alone, Losman will be playing by the end of the season.
  23. 70's: "Whitey, they're killing me" ---Lou Saban 00's: 'Whitey's killing me" ---average Bills fan
  24. At least get in the game for a series or two. Oh, I forgot. Clements can't chew gum and walk at the same time.
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