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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. I'm encouraged. Saw him the first few days at camp where he basically could not do anything football related contrasted with tonight where he looked like a NFl caliber LB, albeit for only a short period.
  2. Wondering what qualifies as a clip in the the NFL these days? I saw two blantant ones on Cleveland's last 'drive'. Also, it's pretty difficult to stink as an officiating crew in pre-season but these guys made their best effort.
  3. With no thanks to our IQ challenged former HC. I have a feeling that the crap plays JP is purging from his system could have been accomplished last year but for the fact that we had a meathead for a coach.
  4. Not blinding speed but what great balance exhibited. Like to see him get more of a chance to display his skills in last pre-season game.
  5. Very good. Betcha 9/10ths of the board don't know what a resister is.
  6. Only most NFL players aren't running on an already severely damaged knee, the body part most easily injured in football.
  7. Anyone know this one: Bad boys rape only young girls but violet gives willingly?
  8. Question isn't whether he performs well when healthy, it's how long does he remain healthy. One good shot to the knee and his career is over. Of course, we can say the same thing concerning McGahee.
  9. That narrows it down to about 30.
  10. This is an extreme hope considering ESPN's dope-personailty-index.
  11. Well, I can believe it. If anyone said anything contra the Big Boss in the small shoes he would be toast and shipped out in short order.
  12. He could be making it up. Nobody on GR would question it.
  13. So the truth is Holcomb is hopeless and has regressed beyond salvation it appears and Nall is nowhere. That leaves us with a developing prospect which is what most fans would call Losman.
  14. His stammering alone ought to disqualify him from the job.
  15. Trying to get a straight answer from MM or TD was an exercise in futility. What a breath of fresh air Jauron seems to be.
  16. This season domesday comes a callin' week one, just to aggravate ya.
  17. It's amazing how many <500 posts posters all have the same negative rant? Is this a mere coincidence? Guess they don't stick around long once the rest of us tire of their unrelenting negativity. Not including you, Mr. Locke.
  18. Like to see Peters retire him again, this time permanently.
  19. I think about another 2 years of seasoning is necessary for JP to mature to a level where he could be a top 5 QB. I'm prepared to give him 2 more years, at odds with most on this board who feel he has to perform at a high level this year or else.
  20. That's what I feel JP has been missing most in camp....the coaches giving him some sort of a confidence boost instead the Mularkey-like mularky coming from the HC. Juaron just indicated what a straight shooter he is compared to the MM mumbo jumbo of the past.
  21. If Sape was any wider, he'd need two uniforms.
  22. With dial up it took me 6 minutes to bring up the screen. For CTM, Losman has labored in the 2nd position since last December so it does indeed mean something to be promoted.
  23. It's official. No, I'm not linking it.
  24. 'Bout time. I was speculating on how much longer Juaron was going to drag out the charade. JP deserves at least a interim report card on where he stands.
  25. I don't wish Holcomb ill will. I just want the coaching staff(Juaron) to come to their senses and realize KH is not a prospect to be a starting QB anywhere in the NFL, including Buffalo.
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