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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. They practiced those endlessly at training camp.
  2. Any chance this is Coy Wire's last game as a BB? Is there hope?
  3. Wanted to keep JP's qb rating at 1000 tonight?
  4. I'll hijack a reply. I have a 30" Panasonic HD something(can't remember number)and the picture is flipping great. The cable guy said it's one of the best pictures he's ever seen. It's a tube model, though, and it weights about 160 lbs. I had a lot of fun horsing it around by myself.
  5. February more like it. They looked at it again in early August and saw nothing to change.
  6. As in a total ass meets his hole? Or a fruit found his cake? Yeah, it's match made in heaven. MM will have Culpepper playing the Bettis role on every 3rd down. QB draws by the bucketful.
  7. It's worth it Joe. Sell a kid.
  8. That's call 'exceeding expectations' for the rest of us.
  9. And BTW, FOX's HD broadcasts blow away CBS's. The difference is CBSHD : regular as FOXHD : CBSHD. I really think that FOX's is that much better.
  10. The future just flashed before you.
  11. Then place your bet. Vegas says if you bet the Bills will win 5 or less you have about a 20% chance of collecting. Sounds like a good bet to me.
  12. 8 - 8, I would consider a decent bounce back from 2005. We can't realistically hope for more in '06. For comparison, I wonder what the s--theads at ESPN magazine will predict or are they done with predictions? Guess I'm in the whiners club, too, because I take issue with the prognosticators who use the Buffalo Bills for a verbal commode. I plead guilty.
  13. Oh, I agree. However, I highly doubt losing a .00001 rating point isn't more than offset by a lucrative hard $15(or a good share of it). No way they would lose money. They just haven't figured out how to do it contractually or otherwise, yet.
  14. What I want and I don't know why the NFL hasn't done it already is PPV games. I'd gladly pay $12 - $15 per view to see the Bills when the locals are broadcasting the godawful Jets or the automatic Giants on Fox(Albany area). It's coming, make it happen.
  15. Heard Mort say on ESPN radio last night that the QB competition in Buffalo was a sham...that JP was going to get it all along. First thing I've agreed with him regarding the Bills since his bitter remarks last draftday.
  16. Funny, I don't remember seeing Skip anywhere near St. John Fisher, and he obviously didn't see either of KH's scintillating preseason performances that have him closer to #3 -- or perhaps off the roster completely -- than to the starting job. Fer cryin' out loud, Skipper: if you know you'll be covering a certain topic, would it kill you to do FIVE MINUTES worth of research? Maybe put in a call to someone who actually covers the team? (Assuming any of them would talk to him... hmm, maybe I need to rethink that. I've heard he's not exactly the most popular guy in most press boxes...) 756526[/snapback] Can we get a petition going to have Skip change his name to Clueless, Skip. Preparing for a show by downing a bottle of Grey Goose just isn't enough!
  17. Man, if only that was the attitude of the Vegas oddsmakers, I'd be able to retire this year.
  18. I think we keep Kelly, probably be forced to, in that a trade is not likely. Kelly's current value is hovering near zero(as far as draft picks), IMO. I do believe whole-heartedly that he will not be a Bill come 2007 training camp(off season cut).
  19. The last time either one of those morons thought about the Bills, nevermind did any research on them, was April's draft. Everyone knows Golic is a moron. Too bad Greenie is just as lame-brained as his buddy.
  20. Like at this point he's going to name Holcomb or Nall as the starter? Maybe JP thinks it's a possibility after last season. But what is Jauron going to say when he presents him with the keys, "Good job, JP, you just barely eeked out a decision over the other two at the last moment"? That 'il be a confidence booster.
  21. Crap stats for '06 will presumably end his career.
  22. Don't know where they'd see the potential. Scouts can't attend free training camps I've heard and there isn't a bit of pre-season film on him. If he goes to Bills PS he'll stay there awhile is my prediction.
  23. Are you the one of the off-the-wall Tiger haters who posts on Golfchannel.com? Because your whine reads exactly the same as those idiot/haters.
  24. Appears to be an attempt at HaiKu, but I would say a bad one.
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