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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. Thanks. I'll remember that play when we need to get a yard or two in the red zone. I'm sort of more interested in the kind that we get 18 or so.
  2. A bunch of people want to fire JP and the coaching staff as the aftermath. You be the judge. It's an extention of the previous two exhibitions of incompetence, IMO.
  3. What I think is that the coaches have the players concentrating on running the scheme so intently that they miss the play. A lot. Can't see the trees for the forest in this case. Why the defensive middle is almost always open is one of the great mysteries of life for a Bills fan.
  4. I really, really, really would like to know what the snap to Reed was supposed to accomplish, even in theory. I think that the only thing to change this year is that we have a new set of dumb bunnies in charge.
  5. The Bills can pick QBs until the cows come home and that won't turn them into winners. Perhaps the Bills don't need a players' HC; a franchise friendly one might put up some better numbers. The team has been a day late and a dollar short for a decade. Where does that come from?
  6. The whole team forgot and thought it was walk-thru Saturday? Is that karma?
  7. How many holes for Willis?....about 2 also.
  8. Those who taped the game, watch the effort of the Bills' Dline in the first series. Playing patticake with the Patriots is all they were doing. No one made any effort that whole series. Way to come out fired up. They played better later but they started the game as if they were dreaming of LA.
  9. I don't know but I thought the same thing. I'll go back and check.
  10. The point being most QB's could not operate under these conditions. When Losman hesitates to throw it's because he's not seeing the open receivers, is that it? I'll bet that he was going against a pass defence which left the middle of the field wide open on every other play. Go ahead. Put Nall in there. I'm sure the results will be a lot better. And when he fails, what? Draft a new QB every third year until we find a magician?
  11. No QB could excell with this line. Certainly not Tom Brady. He'd be on a stretcher by the end of game 2. The Bills don't have a better QB on the team. Replace JP and result would the same if not worse. If the Bills don't build the lines, no QB will make any difference.
  12. On a cheerier note, most of the Rochester fans are nearly home by now.
  13. I forgot about Miami....so 4 possible.
  14. I see only 3 possible wins GB, Houston, and Titans. With what we're showing we'll have to go some to get that 3.
  15. By the book. Would help if the Bills were a team which could score 2 tds from being behind in 4th quarter. What shows is absolute lack imagination. We'll stumble in with 5 wins top. Then every mother's son will want Jauron and Losman replaced.
  16. Glad we got that 3 pointer. It will help in the 5th quarter.
  17. Yeah, let's go back and mark with an asterisk every QB's pass totals when they include a shuffle pass. Probably have to takes 3000 yards off Montana's total. What an idiotic remark.
  18. Check out any play where Brady almost gets sacked....an unpenalized hold also almost everytime.
  19. What a sob sister lament...'subverting international law....' perhaps the most craven. Name one enemy of the United States who ever respected 'international law'. It's international law for us and anything goes them. STFU!
  20. JJ ought to be facing grand larceny charges.
  21. Reads more like bad news and bad news to me.
  22. That's the equivalent of a walkthrough. Doesn't give an idea how a 'real' oline functions.
  23. "Wanna see my Superman impression? After he swallowed a Kyptonite candy bar." You asked.
  24. "See these gloves? Cost me 100 bucks"
  25. Cry is right. For the first time in 20 years the Bills look to be a team which could finish 2 - 14. The lines are abysmally bad.
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