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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. We've been so far under the radar that the players needed miners lights to see.
  2. He might be this week; have to see how other stats break.
  3. Wonder why someone at the station hasn't thought to alter the transmission pattern in the sliver's direction. I don't think it would be that difficult to do. Maybe the station fears a lawsuit from the NFL and it wouldn't be worth the pain.
  4. The same with me. Read about two pages of a book and stopped. I don't mind fantasy if it has half a chance of being possible. A writer who invents a different world because he is unhappy with the one he finds himself in is fine, in itself. It's not my cup of tea in this case. To my mind, LOTR makes no sense, book or movie. The story would been interesting to me only if the monsters had had a chance to eat some, if not all, the hobbits.
  5. I listened to the interview. No trace of irony in his voice. If he was really kidding, he should be working in Hollywood instead of coaching football.
  6. Can't determine whether you're serious or not but if you are, you must eat crayons coated with lead.
  7. Bleach will do a good job on the patient too, so you won't have to worry about tomorrow.
  8. The list is the dipstick writer's idea of the QB's reputation TO HIM at the time. It's essentially worthless because the only criterion is the writer's opinion, as far as I can tell.
  9. FYI - The almighty, can-do-nothing-wrong Brady QB rating for '06 84.9 The how-the-hell-could-this-be-true-to-national-media Losman QB rating: 84.8
  10. Greenie is taking it like a man. Gave the Bills most of the credit for the win.
  11. Looks ordinary with a couple of ints
  12. How 'bout both?
  13. Listening to Wennie Greenie tomorrow morning will be priceless. Of course, no credit will be given to the Bills except maybe WM.
  14. Another week without DeLuca's Drool. Yea!
  15. Yeah, the needs a couple broken ribs, a bad ankle , and stomach flu to perform. Couldn't have been the line earlier, right?
  16. I'd like to bet you big money that '07 will be his last year in the NFL. =
  17. What a rag arm Pennington has. How did they win any games with a QB who can't throw the ball more than 5 yards. I think his shoulder is unraveling as we watch.
  18. Game over. JETS' season over.
  19. One won't be the Bills outplayed them from A - Z except for ST.
  20. Send them home early, Chad, with another int.
  21. He vies for the most un-abashed homer on the CBS 'team'
  22. The Jets actually thought they accomplished something beating GB. Welome back to the NFL!
  23. Way to go Eagle. Now say McGahee will not return to game. And Spikes out for season. Go ahead Ian.
  24. He stands on the sideline like he's breathing ether.
  25. Where did God come from? And why would 'He' be interested in one insignificant species on one insignificant planet in one insignificant solar system in a non-descript galaxy? Why would 'He' possibly care about humans, when 'He' to us is infinitely more than us to ants? What do we care about ants? The belief in God is a relic from the past. 'He' has no further purpose. All 'He' ever was, was a stand-in for nature and mankind's lack of knowledge.
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