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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. Set up to be a 3 time loser. Only question is will he be fired after year 1, 2 or 3?
  2. Actually, I got an e-mail that was quite similar in content to yours. But yours got Ralph's explanation wrong. Ralph said, with a nefarious chortle, that he wanted his legacy to be the first owner to establish an interplanetary NFL team and he has chosen Mars as the planet for the Bills. McGahee overheard the conversation but didn't know where Mars was located. He thought it was somewhere near Toronto
  3. Actually, I think I'd pay another $100 if they threw you on field with 3 hungry tigers as halftime entertainment. The extra screen size could come in handy then.
  4. Actually, it's farther than far left. And Hillary is meaner than mean. It should all come out in the campaign.
  5. Manning's great when he's got 6 month's to study a defense. He won't have 2 minutes this weekend to study what B is going to prepare for him. I agree with original poster.
  6. Because he has gotten almost no verbal support or assurances from Bills management, I think it safe to assume that losing F-B would not be a serious hit to the Bills' future. So he makes a few interceptions. So what? How many times does he first contact an opposing RB 4 or 5 yards pass the LOS? How many times has he stopped a RB in his tracks in the backfield? Close to never. This is why it will be adios Fletcher. In fact I've changed the order of the Bills' needs list to DT and MLB to 1, 2 or 2,1 and OG 3rd.
  7. Obvious role for Shatner would be as Kirk's father...or grandfather.
  8. The suckers make the smart money rich. So it was written, so it is, so shall it ever be.
  9. I watched about 4 Indy games this year and was not impressed once by his out-of-pocket presence. Looked average to me, which is not saying much. I wish I had taken notes other than mental, because I was specifically watching that aspect of his game.
  10. I'll give you a prediction: Harrison and Wayne will be shutdown and Belichik will defy Manning to beat him with the the detritus remaining. Although another way to beat Manning is to force him to throw on the run. In that regard he's no JP Losman.
  11. It's a simple case to loving to dish it out but not being able to take it. Feel's a little different when the shoe's on the other foot. They deserved all the disrespect the Patriots coiuld throw at them. Didn't any of you catch their antics when they played the Bills?
  12. He acted like a complete ass when he scored against Buffalo so thinking LT is classy may be a mistaken idea.
  13. My reply is Marty wouldn't have gotten the Pats anywhere. Nobody has more talent than the Chargers.
  14. 1. Manning is way off his game. 2. Brady and Belichick will shred the Colts so-called defense.
  15. I agree. The whinners cannot acknowledged how tremendously coached the Patriots are. Give Marty the Patriots in '06 and doubt he would have got more than 6 wins. I'm no Patriot fan but I am a coaching fan. Slowed down the unstoppable Chargers on their home field. We couldn't do it in Buffalo.
  16. Exactly. Does anybody think another team is going to approach the Bills over Willis? Or that the Bills actively shop him? Neither is going to happen.
  17. Bad! The article indicates he will be spread around to other shows. When he was buried at 11:30 PM, he could be safely ignored.
  18. Andy Reed. Has he ever won anything? The most atrocious play calling and execution I've seen in the last 10 minutes of an NFL playoff game in awhile. Looks like he needs to fire the OC and then look in the mirror and fire his equally ball-less self.
  19. I like Stockton a lot better as a football play-by-play guy. On basketball he'd wore out the blah, blah. blah and connect a completely unrelated thought with an 'and'. It drove me crazy. He still does it, but a lot less
  20. Amazingly got back in the game.
  21. Like how all the Ohio State good sportsmen stayed around for the presentation
  22. Ohio State had like 80 - 85% of the house. What a nice trip back to Columbus.
  23. 4 and 1 on your 29??? Arrogance wrapped in stupidity.
  24. That was a 'Pet Detective' level eff-up.
  25. Al Michaels was in a real tizzy with the end-of-games fireworks. After all was said and done, for instance, he apparently thought going for it on 4th and 1 was a viable option. Good call, Al. Fail to make the down and lose the game. He hasn't figured out basic football strategy since he's been calling games.
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