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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. ...Yet they post, they post, and they post again. Why does the NFL wait til the end of April to have the draft? Wouldn't the SECOND weekend of the 4th month be more appropriate?
  2. Yes, we may have 'lost' the FA battle this year but we are going to win the war. There was a justified reason for letting each and every FA go. The main reason was we could not win with the status quo ante. Is Jaworski saying keep the the old players and, in fact, let's pay them a lot more in addition?. Jaworski should stick to breaking down games and buying golf courses, something he knows what he's chirping about.
  3. I'd offer a 2 and maybe a smidge more. No one team, even SF, is looney enough to offer anything near what they supposedly want.
  4. Their computer is evidently a few chips short of full deck.
  5. Cue the music...Dancing Queen by ABBA.
  6. You know what? In the game and a half Spikes played in '05 before his injury, he was tackling nobody and being pushed all over the field. With Spikes, it's what are the odds he would perform anywhere near '04 levels? Marv and company have determined Spikes is a hole whether he's on the Bills or gone. I have no problem with moving on.
  7. Getting rid of players with salaries that ranged anywhere from 2x their intrinsic value (Clements) to 10x (Spikes) has to be a good thing for the long term success of the Bills. I can't complain about the plan because I have a long range view.
  8. I buy a couple pre-draft every year. The only reason I do it is to have a list of players ready on draft weekend so I can gage the picks.
  9. Just want to make clear for the thousandth time a draft position change HAS TO BE INITIATED BY THE TEAM IN THE LOWER POSITION, NOT THE HIGHER. So, in most cases, #4 is NOT an option.
  10. He may have passed it, but if the report says "limited back dexterity exhibited'' or something like that, this is not made up crapola. It's a red flag.
  11. I don't want to pick a RB who has an injury history, PERIOD, unless it's a 6th or 7th rounder.
  12. Still like him or Okoye at 12.
  13. It's an airshow. You either get it or you don't. You obviously don't. Next, fly-in breakfasts. Another waste of aviation fuel, right?
  14. Their problem, not ours.
  15. Harvey would be pleased to inform you that he's very much alive and kicking, though he just had his 80th birthday.
  16. There's a reformation going on at OBD. The last piece of Donahoe's garbage has been removed. Mathews, in general, doesn't know much about the NFL. With Smerlas as his chief guest host, he knows even less.
  17. Henry had nothing in '04. He was tripping over his shoelaces. He had no drive, juice, moves or speed. For all intents and purposes, he was done as an NFL high caliber RB to unbiased observers. I see there were a few of the other kind.
  18. Why don't YOU go home and stay there?
  19. Synopsis of Mike and Mike show: Greenie comes up with a ridiculous premise and then they debate it for an hour and a half. Watching grass grow is a more useful endeavor than listening to those two.
  20. About more of these would be appropriate.
  21. I'd rather convict ya....of football insanity!
  22. I'll take the tradeoff. Beefed up line vs. a CB who was full of baloney for most of his tenure as a Bill. If there is anything the Bills are good at it is drafting CBs. (I don't want a 1st rounder this time around, though) Probable MLB in first
  23. If Donahoe wasn't the Prince of Darkness, he certainly was a strong contender for the title. What an immense POS he turned out to be.
  24. I've been a Willis supporter, but if that story is true he's done as a Bill. I'm don't care if we get anything for him. Is there a dumber RB in the league? Thank you Tom Donahoe. Again.
  25. Going to announce a new Bills HOF at OBD. The Dipstick HOF. Fred Smerlas going to be first inductee.
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