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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. I disagree...Schopp was an idiot from birth.
  2. Yeah, this guy only caught about 38 TDs for Indiana; find something else to worry about.
  3. How about a million buck bonus for 10 sacks.....should be motivation enough.
  4. He copied the answers from the guy sitting next to him. Of course, that guy was taking a completely different test.
  5. Marx was seriously f**ked up. He didn't have to make sense; only sentences. The left lapped this up like mother's milk. Nothings changed.
  6. SB 25. I had taped the game. Still haven't watched the tape and never will watch a replay.
  7. What are you afraid of? This is the 21st century version of the suicide note...get accustomed to it. The ruminations of a deranged killer are too 'sickening' to comtemplate? How about the actual murderous acts? I find it illuminating and explanatory. Since when do survivors have veto power over public information? No, sweep the troubling truth under a rug so you can be comforted by safe thoughts. You should be confronting reality, not compartmentalizing the bad things because it's too upsetting.
  8. That sounds exactly what was going through the authorities minds when anyone with an once of sense would have alerted the university at large immediately. These people played god with students' lives.
  9. Couple of murders in a dorm. What shalllll we do? 2 hours of thought. Send out an e-mail. Brilliant! Sad commentary that you and a whole bunch of others here don't see 10 magnitudes of difference between the two situations.
  10. I'm not a big fan of law suits but if the facts are as I believe, this is a case of institutionized stupidity. The president of the u will be lucky to avoid jail time for gross negligence.
  11. Apparently, you didn't read one of my earlier posts. A few weeks ago, at RPI in Troy, NY, the campus cops found a body at the base of a stairwell of a campus building. They thought the person had been shot by a sniper (although actually a suicide). The Administration immediately initiated all their security procedures including a campus lockdown. There were no reports of an ensuing panic that I'm aware of.
  12. Mass panic vs 30 deaths. Believe everyone connected with security is going down with the entire administration on this one. I would bet $10,000 on it.
  13. To paraphrase the university president: We thought the killings in the dorm were a domestic dispute and we thought the assailent had left the campus so we didn't warn anyone. His next job will be a janitor for Mcdonalds, if he's lucky. With a half semester of law school, I could win a big bucks case against VT on that statement alone.
  14. I don't know but when a former RPI student committed suicide on campus a few weeks ago they invoked every security procedure known to man including flooding the campus with local police and locking down and cancelling classes. For a suicide!! Of course, they thought it was a murder initially.
  15. If found negligent, the university could be sued out of existence.
  16. If he was on fire I'd throw him a glass of gasoline...er, make that ethanol. You forgot self-important, know-it-all, liberal windbag.
  17. A new interpretation of the First Admendment? The American law standard is 'actual malice'. I don't believe stupid jokes are exceptions to that standard.
  18. Remember how at the beginning of last season ( I think that it was ) Madden was featuring Culpeper in it's ads? They disappeared from the face of the Earth after week 7, I believe.
  19. You especially don't give up a 1st for a back that has gotten most of his yards in garbage time after LD has already destroyed the defense. Smith can keep him or set a realistic price.
  20. That's some of it, not all. The willingness to claim to be victimized by something or somebody is overarching. I (we) didn't succeed because I (we) were victimized by someone's throwaway remark, in this case. The universal karma was set against them by the likes of Imus. Rutgers women's basketball team would have us believe this crock. 21st century America has devolved to this.
  21. It's as simple as unless someone has been severely tested in life the question of his true character has not been answered. It's assumed that when someone comes out on top despite a hundred ready-made reasons to fail, this person is of high character. I have no problem with the premise.
  22. I agree except I'd give meathead an F--. He's no more of a head coach than I am.
  23. Chief guide, Jungle Cruise, Walt Disney World.
  24. I won't blast ya, I agree entirely, except I might pass on Branch. But if Okoye was there, I might have to take 14 minutes and 59 seconds to decide.
  25. So, working backwards, training camp opens 27/28 of July for the Bills, for anyone who would like to know.
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