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Everything posted by AJ1

  1. I'll give the team some respect when the coaches come up with a gameplan that's attuned the actual opponent of the week instead of an imaginary one like the one against the Cards.
  2. Looking at the next five games before the disaster in the desert, I thought no problem. Today, I'm thinking the team could find a way to lose the next four. You want panic, see what a 5 game losing streak creates.
  3. Learn what? That you can't play prevent defense for a whole game without getting your ass kicked? They did that in several games last year and the coaching staff appeared to learn nothing from the experience. I have no faith in our brain(locked) trust at this point.
  4. Or, 4 - 0 was an illusion and the only maginal improvement with the team this season was with the starting QB.
  5. Hey, Dick always gets this team ready, or that's what I hear. Today, he got them ready to run for the bus.
  6. Once again, a post by some teenage know-it-all who just happens to be twice as smart as the Bills FO. I wish the mods had a smart-ass detector and these posts would be instantly deleted.
  7. No, you're right in your assessment.
  8. A difference here is Green should be sacked at least 5 times and forced into about 3 ints. If he isn't then our defense played like slackers.
  9. Use it sparingly and mix it in as a surprise attack.
  10. No, what's different is the anchor's editoralize and report it as news. Current generation of liberals think that is a good thing or too dumb to know the difference.
  11. Like to see an in depth examination of THE ONE'S past. Won't do it because they're afraid of what they'd find. 4th estate's in Obama's hip pocket.
  12. Or dangerous. On a NYS Thruway stop on the way to the 51 - 3 massacre, I saw a Raider on the local phone (way before cell phones). I asked him if was changing his bet. If not for a few hundred Bills fans I probably would have been murdered, literally. Talk about no sense of humor.
  13. Still all time worst call against Bills...the guy caught it out of bounds and then they marked it 2 yards ahead of where caught. A gold-plated reason for the challenge rule. HS level bad officiating
  14. Yep, when I looked at the complete schedule earlier. this I listed as a no-chance-for-the-Bills week. They have to show the Giants or risk having the station burnt down.
  15. 10th is horrific??? Did you check out our rankings last season?
  16. and the freaking Cards. We should be 5 - 0 after 5. No letdowns, please.
  17. Especially since 'what if we miss' is a losers mentality.
  18. And he posted about 2 seconds before the comeback.
  19. No more under the radar this season.
  20. Epilogue: If the Jets trump the Bills for all season on channel 6, only Bills appearances assured are the games against the Jets. Week 4 competition is SD @Oak, week 5 Cin @ Dallas and NE @ SF. So if WRGB plays hardball and likes the Jets over the Bills all the time, Albany will not see much of the Bills. If they alternate with the Jets, we'll be ok.
  21. The big deal was that the 1 PM slot was open for the Bills broadcast by not going up against the Giants, Jets, or even the Pats. It was an insult to the Bills' fans by slotting the Colts - Vikings game instead.
  22. I don't get it. I really don't. The opinion of thousands of Bills' fans in the area don't count, but a slobbering chief technician does? I'll bet the article in the paper was the final straw and Mr. Furlong finally realized that his original decision was completely indefensible. Silver lining: Perhaps the the NYC suits will remember that Buffalo fans do inhabit the Albany market and when they have the choice of forcing a unwanted game or the Bills we won't have to go through this again. But I wouldn't bet on it.
  23. His reason makes no sense whatsoever considering one team was viewed last Sunday and the other on Monday. He's a corporate appeasing jerk, no doubt.
  24. With retractable roof. Open most of time but it's closed when it's 36 F and raining or -20 wind chill with snow. Southern Cal QBs will flock to the place...don't know that is a positive.
  25. My call is to not watch your channel for a good long time. And even FOX showed the Bills last week, you dolt.
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