I went tools, options, content, font size and it makes no difference. The smiley's are huge the buttons above this are huge and this window is so big that it doesn't fit the whole screen.
Ok this is being typed into Firefox 3.0 and I already have a beef with it. I have to control + a couple of times because my eyes aren't all that great. When I used to do that in 2.0 it kept everything in one frame on the screen. Now if I enlarge it I have to use the slidebar back and forth to see it the whole page. I'm getting a headache just looking at this while I type. It also enlarges everything except the text!!
It worked great before 3.0 sucked after 3.0 works great with 2.0. No problems with any other files or folders. I'm sure this isn't a larger problem.
I just backed up my bookmarks and I think I'll try it soon. I'll letcha know how it works out.
Can anyone tell me what the fix is for what PTR is experiencing because when I ran 3.0 before, the browser would crash every thirty minutes or so and it was really annoying. I went to the help section of Firefox and they suggested a fix and after I did it the browser only crashed every 45 minutes.
I assume your running 3.0 because when I tested the beta version of 3.0 that kept happening to me. I went back to 2.0 and haven't had any problems since. It sounds like 2.0 is still better.
I meant in their new roles together. I think they need a couple of years to find the best way to work with each other.
I felt Levy brought back the drafting science that he Polian used during the Bills SB years. I think this team has SB winning talent on it. I think they have more overall talent than Miami but the Poorpisses have arguably the best HC in the league.
That's a definite option. The new HC would probably have to stick pretty much to the current coaching staff though and that's gonna make it harder to get a guy.
I disagree. This team is stocked with talent. That's what's so frustrating!
I kept saying at 4-0 that they hadn't made the playoffs yet and not to get too excited but it was mostly just words. I'm crushed. I held out a tiny bit of hope that they would win out and possibly make the playoffs. Their season has only meaningless games left on the schedule. I have to believe they are mathematically eliminated now.
What happens from here?
Fire Jauron and then start all over again? Would it be smarter to give him one more year and if he's fired would the next guy be any better? Some of the games this year have been horrifying. If they can get a proven HC like Cowhead or even Schottenheimer I'd say yes. Do they elevate April to HC?
I think the FO has been together for less than a year now and so I'm willing to cut them a break and I really don't see this as their fault right now.
Does Ralph fire the HC and front office and start all over again?
Are there any coaching changes that would help?
Could Levy come back and re-right the ship?
I have no idea what they can do. Every option has an upside and downside to it.
When you wrote that I didn't remember it from anything and I just watched the last episode of the season and that's funny as hell.
I loved how Dennis managed to bring his 80's metal rocker suit into it.
Season 3 is the best season IMO.
The two highest rated shows on the website I provided are "Dees dating a retarded person" (9.49) and "Hundred Dollar Baby" (9.5).
Not the two I would choose but as Hopsguy says it's very difficult to decide.