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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. Beat me to it. (no stupid comments ) You have a working brain.
  2. It can be pitched that way. When I was 18 an insurance woman sold my boss and myself a policy that would be paid out after 20 or 30 years. My boss forgot to take my premiums out of my paycheck and it defaulted. How do you know they lost less than if you'd advised them? What else do you do?
  3. I'm not sure BOA is responsible but as you just said it was meant to help things from getting worse. I see it like the loans to the auto makers. If it's meant to keep things from crashing then they should be lending the money.
  4. Insurance isn't a good investment IMO. Before the crash I was doing really well picking my own stocks. How many of your clients have lost value on their stocks this year?
  5. I really don't like to lie, ever. I think being honest shows that it probably was BS. If they find out I lied about it then it looks like it was true.
  6. That was on the other day. Another line from The Deal "You ask me to have lunch, tell me you slept with Elaine, and then say you're not in the mood for details. Now you listen to me. I want details and I want them right now. I don't have a job, I have no place to go. You're not in the mood? Well you get in the mood!" - George, to Jerry, in "The Deal"
  7. If you don't think the Bushes are elitist you're really easy to fool.
  8. Depends on what your selling. Insurance, nothing. Stock, nothing. Financial planning involving either of those? Nothing.
  9. Did your termination meeting go anything like this: Link
  10. "The Deal" is on TBS right now and Elaine and Jerry are talking about the last time either of them had sex. Elaine: "I think the last time was in Rochester." I thought I'd be more memorable.
  11. I'm sure she'll know what the issues for Western New York are. It's not like Hillary's gonna hand her the keys and run. Chuck Schumer can be a big help to her as well. I don't know how many Senators had no political experience before becoming Senators but I'm pretty sure Dubya didn't have any before becoming Texas Governor.
  12. A pharmacist I used to work with called tampons "manhole covers"
  13. I had enough savings for six months. How much more should I have had?
  14. Sorry if it sounded like I was blaming the programmers because I'm not. When I would suggest to management that letting the programmers sit with us would be a very good idea I got looks like I had just said that a Detroit Lion made the pro-bowl.
  15. That's not what I meant. His attitude was that people should have enough savings to get them through every rough patch in life and that if they didn't have it then it was their fault and he was helping people to avoid that. It seemed his attitude was that his job was altruistic and not something he gets money for. He didn't seem to understand that most people can't plan for an economy this bad and he has indignation towards those who haven't planned for it.
  16. A friend of mine is a computer programmer and I'm sure he's literally done this multiple times. In one of my old jobs the thing that pissed me off was they would never consult the people who'd be using the programs for what they needed. So they'd slap out some poorly thunk out program and then do fixes on it until it reached viability. Then they'd immediately replace that program with another one.
  17. Oh, I just assumed that because you said that like you were really helping people that it must be charity work. So you make money off the things you recommend then? That doesn't sound as great as you seemed to make it.
  18. About the apostrophe I know better I'm just not in the right frame of mind now. I didn't pop anyone in the mouth. A friend at my old job is a creationist who found out I didn't have a high opinion of creationists by overhearing a discussion about geology I was having with friend in the lunchroom. She and I got along really well before this and we'd shake each others shoulders after making a smart-assed comment to each other. Soon after she heard me in the lunchroom I shook her shoulders and she took me to H.R. No unemployment. I'm pretty sure my old job only gives out dates of hire and leaving so I doubt that's it. I just think if you have 5 candidates and one has had a problem with an employee before who would you hire? They keep you employed!
  19. Others live in my building and I'd feel bad. I got my certification for being a Pharmacy Tech and there a few jobs available through Strong but it takes multiple times to apply before they call you. One of the guys in FF league is a director of a hospital pharmacy and I've been holding out on putting in an application to his pharmacy because I didn't want him to feel like he had to hire me but I discussed it with a mutual friend of ours and he thought it would be ok so I submitted it Friday. BTW, great line! My favorite is the theory that management candidates are only hired after being taken outside to a hole in the ground. If they ask "Is that my ass?" They're hired on the spot.
  20. I guess you don't know about sWillis' interview where he ragged on the Buffalo women.
  21. What?! You don't find Meg attractive! Don't tell that to Neil Goldman!
  22. Where do you get 9,000 from? I have sent out over 100 resume's. I have filled out over 50 applications at companies that would pay me less than I can live on and I'm trying to keep a job in my field. If you'll notice I'm not here all day. There are big gaps in my postings. It doesn't help when you have to tell people you were fired for "assaulting" a fellow employee. I tell them the truth but who knows what they believe. I've never been unemployed before in my life. My references are stellar and the problem is that there just aren't that many jobs available today. Wow that's great! When you're not working that charity how do make money?
  23. You thought we were SERIOUS!
  24. You're sooooooo not funny!! Jack-ASS!! You really don't give a about anyone but yourself do you?
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