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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. You gave him a hummer for a $7 tip and pulling your 4x4 out. Ya do what ya gotta do I guess. I said that because I'm anonymous here. To your face? Not so much. Kids In The Hall had a great skit about that. Dave Foley picking on a huge guy in a bar. :wallbash: Seriously, I never effed with anyone's food I'd only grumble and get pissed off. However, when the other guys did I understood. I'm saying they should have done it but I understood.
  2. That guy would deserve a peeing on his next pizza IMO. I hated delivering in super bad weather only to get a horrendous tip.
  3. I don't know. I never worked at a place with a minimum delivery charge. My guess is that the driver doesn't see dime one of that money. Next time you call ask if the tip is included in that price.
  4. :wallbash:
  5. When I was delivering Pizzas the non-tipping houses were well known and drivers would jockey to avoid them. If you knew a house was a poor tipper a lot guys, not me of course , would shake the sodas really hard and then tell the people in the house to "Be careful I ran with it." There's a lot of things drivers will do if you're a poor tipper. Some nasty some demeaning. Some drivers I worked with hand back a 13 cent tip and say "Keep it. You need it more than I do." If you're a bad tipper then your name is well known at the pizza makers. The minimum tip now should be $3.
  6. What he said. I'm willing to write off Lynch's problems this year as a sophomore slump. I don't like the split carries thing. Marshawn needs 25 carries minimum a game. RB's get into a rhythm as the game goes on. I see Jackson spelling Lynch like the guys behind Thurman did. Jackson can also be utilized more in the passing game. The highest graded FB should be a priority in the draft this year.
  7. The guys answer mail on Youtube. Here's #1 with R.M. #2 with K.O. #8 with K.O.
  8. The wobbling engines would put my heart in my throat though.
  9. The police should try to serve him a subpoena to testify. They could tell her if she gave them his address they would let him testify in her defense.
  10. No, the guys defense will be that the installer fried it. A receipt wouldn't prove the thing was fried when he gave it to the installer. A statement from the installer goes farther than that and proves it was fried before he put it in. While the truthfulness of his statement can be argued in court it's a lot better than just a receipt.
  11. Sounds good but then so did the hiring of ex-NFLer Robinson. Well if it's true then I'm rooting for N.O. to win the SB. Wearing one of those things should make a recruits eyes pop open.
  12. Link She looks good in the photo. The federal prosecutor's office in Belgium identified one of the suspects as Malika El-Aroud, the widow of one of the men who assassinated a key opponent of the Taliban in Afghanistan two days before September 11, 2001. El-Aroud's late husband was one of two men who killed Ahmed Shah Massoud, a leader of the Northern Alliance, in a suicide mission ordered by Osama Bin Laden. Belgian police aimed to prevent El-Aroud, whom the police source called an "al-Qaeda living legend," from moving to Afghanistan to play a role in the fight against the coalition forces there, the source said. She is thought to be a recruiter for the anti-Western network, rather than a fighter, the source said.
  13. And that affects my wanting to nail her how?
  14. Here's more. Dr. Bill Manion, a pathologist and an assistant medical examiner for Burlington County, N.J., said DNA testing could determine an identification even without other DNA from the victim, "as long as we know who the parents are or siblings." The problem with that here is that Caylee has no siblings and the father has never been identified by Caycee. My guess is there were too many suspects to choose from.
  15. I don't like the tall amazon Super Models. I prefer women closer to average height for a woman.
  16. I've always wanted to drive a Portia.
  17. I saw that on TV the other day.
  18. I said lettuce!! If he can't do anything with a head of lettuce then he's a no talent hack!!
  19. Tony Soprano did the same thing to the guy who insulted Meadow. He deserved it though.
  20. I wonder what he could do with a head of lettuce?
  21. I thought about that but at least give him some treats once in a while. Did you see the cat wearing a squirrel coat recently? You need to do something to punish that cat. There shouldn't even be mice in the house with a cat there. She's doin a slovenly job.
  22. She isn't a milky way but she has a black hole and her own gravitational pull.
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