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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. SYRACUSE — Greg Robinson learned to bleed Orange. New Syracuse coach Doug Marrone already has that part down. "When I went into coaching, I always prepared myself for this," the Bronx-born Marrone said Friday after being hired to replace Robinson as football coach. "This has been the job I have always wanted." The offensive coordinator for the New Orleans Saints since 2006, Marrone is returning to the school where he played to try to resurrect a program that hasn't had a winning season since 2001. Robinson was fired in November after going 10-37 in four seasons.
  2. I don't watch award shows I hate them. I'll just find out the results the next day. God they're awful!
  3. I think she's a vegan and they all look like that. It's funny how those people think it's healthier and it just isn't.
  4. He's been ordered to return it for the Goldman's to own but he says how can he return something he doesn't have.
  5. Ben Affleck. They should just have a guys only version where they are lesbians in love and go at it.
  6. Hmm Earlier Photo could be after augmentation. I think you win but it's an excellent job. I wish I could find one that I knew was when she was young. Anyhoo, nice shots but more proof is needed. I'd say 70-30 your favor.
  7. What a dumbass. O. J. Simpson paid off witness, investigator tells court He says Alfred Beardsley admitted to changing his testimony after O. J. Simpson gave him his Hall of Fame ring. Beardsley takes the Fifth at a hearing in the Goldmans' quest for Simpson's assets. By Harriet Ryan 12:15 PM PST, December 12, 2008 A key witness in O.J. Simpson's Las Vegas trial acknowledged to a Nevada investigator that the former NFL star paid him off, the investigator told a judge in Santa Monica this morning. The investigator from the Clark County district attorney's office said Alfred Beardsley admitted that Simpson gave him his Hall of Fame ring in exchange for altering his testimony to help the defense. _________________________________________ Prosecutors called Beardsley as a witness, but were taken aback when he testified that someone had tampered with an audio recording critical to their case.
  8. I'm pretty sure they're real and their spectacular.
  9. Her breasts are amazingly firm for a woman her age.
  10. I think the grandmother knows more than she's letting on. I think she's trying to keep her daughter from going to prison. I don't think she knew at the beginning but I think at one point Cacycee came clean with her and her whole demeanor changed.
  11. The parents pussed out. They were advised by legal council not to do his show.
  12. Yes, 9-10 and then 10-11 is a Dateline interview with the grandparents that must have been recorded a little before the body was found but my DVR says it's a new show. It's probably not a really old interview.
  13. I wonder if his cousin Hugh Jass will be with him?
  14. Woah! Here's a chick flick I might wanna see. Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly and Scarlett Johansson!!! Whatta Cast!!!
  15. It looks like their pretty damn sure it's her body. Linkage Lawyer Linda Kenney Baden said in court that investigators said they "were proceeding as if this were little Caylee Anthony." Strands of hair found with the remains, discovered Thursday a half mile from the home of Caylee's grandparents, are the same color as the girl's, the lawyer said. The age and measurements also were a match for Caylee, Baden added. Caylee was 2 when she went missing. Some video stuff. BTW, her parents are on Larry King tonight at 9pm.
  16. WTF!! The videos run now? I did put add-ons for top stories toolbar. It doesn't run video though? Whatever It's cool they're working now.
  17. I think as someone mentioned before it's probably a minimum $8 order needed for delivery.
  18. If you don't like the job find another one. There's a difference between bitching about the customer that doesn't tip and not liking the job.
  19. In Sanders first NFL game they checked to be sure his jersey wasn't greased up in some way. I don't know if it's bad tackling or just being able to make guys miss like his old man.
  20. I worked for Domino's Pizza and there was no delivery charge.
  21. That is a great line. Some from "The Pie" "It'll be a funky adventure." - Kramer, inviting Elaine to scratch his back, in "The Pie" "Poppie's a little sloppy." - Jerry, after Poppie is taken away by health inspectors, in "The Pie" "That's my ass in your window!" - Elaine, seeing the mannequin posed in an embarrassing position, in "The Pie"
  22. I'd arrest her for jaywalking or any other minor offense she may commit and then have the judge throw the book at her.
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