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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. It's a valid article. JP and his supporters won't like it but it's topical. Especially when people are talking about the offseason FA at that position now. I also found this interesting. "He was a first-round pick, but he wasn't able to perform in this league," former NFL personnel executive Michael Lombardi said. "He's not going to be in a bonanza situation. If he signs somewhere it will be based on experience and not on his production. "He's at a crossroads. He's going to have to go somewhere and rehabilitate his career rather than accelerate his career. If you're his agent, you need to put him in a situation where he's a backup with good coaching in an offense that fits his style of movement and running around." I think JP is gonna have to face facts. If he wants to become a starter he's got a lot of work to do. He looked great at the end of the 2006 season and then he just threw his job away the next year. They didn't sit him because he was doing really well. He even knew his job was on the line against Jacksonville and just failed.
  2. Man, a two year old knows you that well! I lived with a woman and every night we'd tell her daughter a story. Some nights it was about a squirrel named Chester who supposedly lived outside our house. The stories would always include her in Chester's adventures. One day my ex GF (thank you for that God) was flipping through the channels and on one of the channels a squirrel was jumping tree to tree. She yelled hunny quick it's Chester!! Just a her daughter arrived a hunter shot it. My GF laughed and then so did her daughter. I also referred to something as stupendous and she said it's not stupid!!
  3. Clawing eyes out!!! ARRGGG!!
  4. No, it wouldn't be done. He'd sue them for the time it took to get them done and he'd find a tiny flaw in them and keep asking them to make them over and over and over again. He'd sue them for the anguish he went through yada yada yada... Really, really bad you maroon! Why not I've seen some here, not often, have compassion for you!
  5. I do however expect more from you Tom. You did after all say my list of insults to CBIP was something you could put any old crap into. Those are jokes?
  6. Franken was one of the original writers for Saturday Night Live.
  7. The problem isn't so much too many bowls as it is too many stadiums. Have the Humanitarian Bowl but play it on a high school football field. Sellouts would almost be assured by the townfolk at least. UCONN and Buffalo are fairly close to Toronto. Getting Buffalo fans to show up is pretty easy. UCONN fans are close enough that getting them isn't very hard either. The problem with some of these is their distance from one another. As Lori said most people in Maryland don't want to go to Boise.
  8. I've said this before and I really think this is the best idea. Just use the machines that we have here in Western New York. Those machines are very, very difficult to rig. They are not connected to anything electronically and can't be hacked. They have push down buttons and large font that makes casting a mistaken ballot a slim possibility. They don't make them now but the patent is still out there and starting a company again would be fairly easy with a huge government order in hand. In a tie Minnesota calls for a coin flip. They used it at least once before but that was in smaller local elections. I think you're right that if there is a 1% difference between the two leading candidates then a runoff election should be held. That also could lead to another statistical dead heat though. I agree paper ballots are 1800's style voting. Going back and looking at the votes were rejected isn't a bad thing in my opinion. Mistakes are made in all facets of the voting process. If we were talking about a difference in votes by 3,000 or more it would be ridiculous to do that but we're talking about a difference of less than three hundred. It's a pain in the ass but I think it needs to be done to ensure the closest possible count to actual ballots cast.
  9. Why only sue for $54 million? He should have sued for infinity.
  10. :shaking head in disgust: I'm probably the last guy who should say this but, that's the obvious joke.
  11. I think every vote should be counted. Especially in an election this close. I have no problem with what's going on.
  12. Earlier this year I started a thread basically saying the same thing but, the crash this team has taken after going 4-0 to the current record says to me he has to go. There aren't that many teams that go 4-0 and then miss the playoffs. If he stays for another year we'll see what he can do but I'm not going to be very optimistic.
  13. Actually, Irag is Palin's excuse for being bitchy once a month.
  14. Thanks, but if Schaub gets more points and I lose like you did I'll be P.O.'d at myself for losing and a being unfaithful.
  15. Linkage The meter reader who led authorities last week to remains believed to be those of Caylee Anthony called police four months ago, directing them three times to same site, authorities said Thursday. At a news conference, Capt. Angelo Nieves, an Orange County Sheriff's Department commander, said investigators are looking into whether the tips, called in August 11, 12 and 13, were properly followed up. In one of those phone calls, the meter reader reported seeing a gray bag on the side of the road, Nieves said. On August 13, a deputy responded to the site and did a "cursory search" but found nothing, Nieves said. A lot of people are asking why he kept going back to the scene of the body dump and they wonder if he was somehow involved?
  16. He wanted to be Governor but I haven't heard about him throwing his hat in the ring. Yet.
  17. This guys needs to be institutionalized. Seriously. :w00t: Linkage The saga began in May 2005, when Pearson took several pairs of pants to Custom Cleaners for alteration as he prepared to start his new job as an administrative law judge. He alleged that among them was a pair of pants from a blue and maroon suit. When he came to collect his clothing, he said, the Chungs tried to give him a pair of charcoal gray pants that were not his. During a two-day trial, Pearson, who represented himself, said that when he took the pants to the cleaners, his financial situation was precarious: He had just been ordered to pay $12,000 in attorney's fees to his ex-wife, and his credit cards were at their limit. He claimed millions of dollars in attorney fees and and millions more in punitive damages for what he called fraudulent advertising under the law. He also claimed that a sign in the store's window promising "satisfaction guaranteed" was an unconditional warranty that required the defendants to honor any claim by any customer without limitation.
  18. Mark Foley treated his interns well. FWIW, she is a lawyer.
  19. Linkage A doctor in Colorado found a surprise when removing what he thought was a benign growth from a newborn's brain. Instead of a microscopic tumor, out popped a tiny foot, partially formed hand, a thigh and another partially formed foot. Perfectly formed foot popped out of a tumor growing in the baby's brain. "It would be a shock to even the most experienced pathologist cutting into a tumor to see this," Dr. Paul Grabb told the ABC affiliate KMGH.
  20. There would have been a major international incident if his actions incurred collateral damage.
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