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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. Linky Eat me!!! ALAMOSA (AP) — An attorney for a woman accused of killing and cannibalizing her ex-boyfriend says she's ashamed for doing a "horrible thing." Jane Lynn Woodry was found not guilty by reason of insanity after the 1993 slaying of Peter Green of Alamosa and was committed to the Colorado Mental Health Institute in Pueblo. She was in court last week seeking conditional release. A judge hasn't issued a ruling. Woodry's attorney, Bill Martinez, quoted Woodry as saying, "I'm deeply ashamed. The person who killed Peter Green is not me." Psychiatrist Elissa Ball testified that Woodry is unlikely to do anything violent if she stays on medication. Ball says Woodry would still to get medication and her home would be subject to searches if she gets conditional release. Does steak sauce in the fridge violate her parole?
  2. I stumbled upon it. Jack-Ass!! Ummm, you want to tie him to a cannon and... I'm wondering what you want to do to him while bent over the cannon!
  3. Mug shot photos take off about 2 or 3 on the hotness scale. They don't show a person's best look. There are celebs that look pretty bad in their mugshots. After cleaning her up she'd probably rank around a seven or more and I'd hit it.
  4. Now he's terrorizing camera men at Fux Gnus? You have to scroll down a little to find the video. If I was that guy I'd have to go home sick for the day and get therapy for at least six months.
  5. Tasker is getting dissed way too much! The HOF voters are prejudiced. Since Bruce and Andre were drafted together I'd love to see them inducted together. Ralph is waaaay overdue to be in there.
  6. Hooters has already won that battle. They beat a lawsuit about having to hire guys arguing they were an entertainment restaraunt. So they have every right to fire those who don't meet the physical standards of the job and to not hire them either.
  7. This is a tough one. If she was a stripper and she was all bruised up she wouldn't be working. If she was in a car accident then they shouldn't fire her but give her time off. Since this is domestic abuse that's another question. I'm sure she was frequently bruised and it posed a problem a lot of the time. So it seems callous to say they should fire her but it's not a disability.
  8. Did you see the Simpson's one? The painting is incredible.
  9. That sucks. Keep trying it's amazing.
  10. Ok we all know Richard Simmons is beyond the word weird. He's uber-weird. In this CNN interview with Kiran Chetry he gets weirder and weirder. Remember this is the guy who proposed to Barbara Streisand after one of her concerts. He had the engagement ring and everything. If you can't stand Richard Simmons for five minutes I'll tell you the three best parts. During the interview he: 1. Kisses Kiran's feet for like 15 seconds at the end of the interview. 2. Says about overweight 8th graders that whenever he sees them he imagines his face on their head? 3. Toward the end of the interview he starts tearing up and almost crying. What he means in the second thing is that he was fat in 8th grade weighing 200 pounds and whenever he sees a fat kid he sees himself. He corrects himself to say his head on their neck but still... C'mon.
  11. He said he wants to go smaller than he's gotten to right now. The difference is that he can do it from golden jewel encrusted chair.
  12. Exactly, if Birk can maintain great play for two years that would be enough time for a guy to learn from a former pro-bowl player, IMO.
  13. LA cannot support a single team. Al, I love $$$$$$$$$ money more than God, Davis even left there. There is too much to do as mentioned above. If the NFL puts a team there it won't last long IMO. If the Raiders leave the 49ers aren't going to allow any other team in Oakland. The only reason both teams are there now is because they both existed before the AFL and NFL merger.
  14. This is just beyond belief!
  15. I guess Millen passed. Killdrive has been successful with the giAnts recently but he's nooooooooottttt HC material. Everytime you think Davis can't get more insane your proven wrong again.
  16. How about count all votes carefully with your opponent and use the courts to settle differences? If Coleman had won I don't think that statement would have ever appeared.
  17. Mr. Pouty Face? Where does that come from?
  18. If my computer is acting like a er then I'm gonna call it a er!!!
  19. The Detroit PD should arrest him and charge him with Grand Larceny. It's a good thing your dog can't read because if he could you'd be in the Emergency Room right now for insulting him like that.
  20. I guess they couldn't find any people with any football knowledge. They'd be better off with Beerball in the studio.
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