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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. Some people just don't know how to leave as gracefully as they can. That guy who slashed a woman in the face! WTF!!!
  2. Link MIT study
  3. She reads this board does she.
  4. You are a heathen baby killer with that attitude. If they get rid of a few cells they are committing murder!!! Let them provide that child with a mother who is ill prepared to raise a child.
  5. I wouldn't worry about them. Just have their boyfriends meet you first. Of course they will never have boyfriends if that happens. On condoms and birth control pills. Go abstinence only!
  6. Cool! Radio waves! What station are they on?
  7. At this point they aren't adding genes to these embryos they are merely screening the embryos to make sure they don't contain hereditary diseases. It is possible that in the future what you're saying may happen but that's a conversation for another day.
  8. you TBD posting boneheads!!
  9. Keep your sick fantasies to yourself you pig!! I will never jump out of a birthday cake for you. Yeah I guess the title is misleading. I guess I should call it genetic screening. I think I fixed it now. Thanks.
  10. For me this is a good thing overall. My hesitancy comes from the possibility of creating greater problems in people because this experiment is so new. Since it's only being used on a mass of a few cells and it's eventually proven to work without any side effects during the person's life then it's a major step in helping people avoid horrendous diseases. I came down as for it and that there are good arguments on both sides.
  11. British researchers are making strides in eradicating hereditary diseases. Linkage LONDON, England (CNN) -- The first child in Britain known to have been screened as an embryo to ensure she did not carry a cancer gene was born Friday, a spokesman for University College London told CNN. Genetic screening allows lab-fertilized embryos to be tested for genes likely to lead to later health problems. Her embryo was screened in a lab days after conception to check for the BRCA-1 gene, linked to breast and ovarian cancer. People with the gene are known to have a 50-80 percent chance of developing breast or ovarian cancer in their lifetimes. British newspapers have dubbed the girl the "cancer-free" baby. "This little girl will not face the specter of developing this genetic form of breast cancer or ovarian cancer in her adult life," said Paul Serhal, a consultant at University College London Hospital and Medical Director of the Assisted Conception Unit. "The parents will have been spared the risk of inflicting this disease on their daughter. The lasting legacy is the eradication of the transmission of this form of cancer that has blighted these families for generations." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This is not a cure for breast cancer," said Josephine Quintavalle, co-founder of Comment on Reproductive Ethics, which describes itself as group that focuses on ethical dilemmas related to reproduction. "This is simply a mechanism for eliminating the birth of anybody (prone to) the disease," she said. "It is basically a search-and-kill mechanism." She opposes the procedure because embryos found to carry disease-causing genes often are discarded. She says that is essentially murder. "They will be destroyed," she said. "They will never be allowed to live." Doctors in Britain and elsewhere increasingly test embryos for genes that are certain to cause illnesses such as cystic fibrosis or Huntington's Disease. What's different about the girl born Friday is that she is the first infant known to have been tested in Britain as an embryo for a gene that is merely likely -- not certain -- to cause disease. In the United States, geneticists are free to test for any condition for which they can develop a probe -- and they're free to look for genes that are certain to cause diseases as well as genes that merely may pose problems later in life. Quintavalle opposes any form of in-vitro fertilization where embryos are "killed," she said. But she is particularly troubled by the idea of screening an embryo for the BRCA-1 gene because carriers of the gene do not always develop the disease, and the disease is not always fatal. "The message we are sending is: 'Better off dead than carrying (a gene linked to) breast cancer,'" she said. "We have gone very much down the proverbial slippery slope." Don't Miss Peter Braude, one of the top British experts on the genetic testing of embryos, said he understands the ethical objections but focuses on the benefits. "There has always been a vociferous group in opposition," he said. But "there are people who can benefit and I think they should be allowed to do so." In fact, he argues that the procedure actually prevents abortions because it takes place on a three-day old embryo in a lab. Only embryos that lack the defective gene are implanted.
  12. The quote about a fair trial was for the two Pandas in jail in the picture that was linked. It was joke. I get what you're saying though.
  13. He was given the extension while the Bills were 4-0. Not at the end of the season.
  14. IMO, it's really lame to say that Ralph is going to hell. If you don't like his running of the team that's ok but he's a very decent human being. My exact reasons for dropping the NBA as well.
  15. On the one side that really sucks but, on the other side you now know you're diabetic and can get treatment. It's better than finding out too late. Have you considered going to your doctor to make sure they are correct about that?
  16. I'll take what was the first use of "Hissy Fit" on a game show for 500 Alex.
  17. She always made me walk with an e-rection.
  18. Hissy fit!!! OMFG!! Good thing I didn't see that live or I'd be dead now!!
  19. It's China. I bet they didn't even get a fair trial!!
  20. ONCE, once!! Just let it go!!!
  21. Watch out for dat dere bear. If this happened in America there would be lawsuits blaming the zoo for the idiocy of this guy. I understand wanting to get your kids toy back for him but c'mon use some common sense! Just tell the kid that the Pandas can play with it now. He might laugh if not, another life lesson learned. __________________
  22. That's an image I didn't need. Jack-Ass!!! He should have expired long ago. Must be nobody wanted him enough to even check his label. That's good but her parties are a little beyond your maturity level dontcha think. Happy B-Day you putz!
  23. You sound like Schonert just before calling a play.
  24. Especially at his age.
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