Look for a disclaimer like this to appear on Google Maps soon;
Caution: Google Maps are not idiot proof. Please use common sense and caution when following the directions given out, ya freakin morons.
Jun 1, 2010 11:19 am US/Eastern
Woman Hit By Car Sues Google For Bad Directions
Lawsuit Claims Company Culpable For Sending Her Down Highway
...Enter Lauren Rosenberg, a Los Angeles native who found herself in Park City, Utah, on January 19, 2009. Rosenberg wanted to get from Point A to Point B and she chose to walk. Consulting Google Maps on her BlackBerry, she was given a walking route and followed the directions closely, even though those walking directions included walking on a highway that has no sidewalks. Now Rosenberg is suing Google for her medical expenses and also for punitive damages because she was hit by a car.
Repeat: She's suing Google because she chose to walk on a highway. Down the middle of it, by the way. Rosenberg is also suing the driver who hit her....
When the world is made to be idiot-proof,
the world will become overpopulated with idiots. - Mark Twain