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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. A country that outlaws mullets can't be all bad can they?
  2. http://www.snopes.com/media/goofs/heywood.asp
  3. Do you read the threads you start or are you, for some reason, excluding those. Link Here's a better idea. Make the sidewalks like a treadmill that takes a little extra effort to move forward on. Take that energy and use it for electricity. Free electricity and healthier citizens. What's not to like?
  4. Is he making you even more nervouserererer?
  5. Damn!! Beat me too it!!
  6. Ummm, after the judge sees the picture of her finger in the paper I'm wondering if a contempt charge will be leveled too? At least I hope so.
  7. I'm surprised they actually released you.
  8. Just dumb. I'm glad CNN fired her.
  9. Wow, that has got to suck. She probably feels all alone in her world now. Prayers are being done.
  10. Good for him! I know his kids don't like it now, due to mom but I think when they get older they'll appreciate the humor.
  11. If this ends up on PFT as a rumor I'll crap a brick and laugh for hours.
  12. There is a fine line between annoying cockiness and strong confidence. So far he's on the right side of things. JMO What he said. From what I've read Clausen was on the wrong side of cocky/confident.
  13. That WEO! Well thanks for coming into this thread, that you think is worthless, and letting us know that. Evidently you are so bored you feel the need to respond to it.
  14. Wow! Check what Lindsay has written on the middle finger of her left hand. Too bad the judge didn't see it. http://www.zimbio.com/Lindsay+Lohan/articl...icure+Courtroom
  15. The medications I'm on cause a lot of disruption in my sleep cycle. My sleep cycle is so effed up that I mostly sleep a little at a time and when I do get a long sleep it's mostly late afternoon til late night.
  16. See the post above yours and the response to Just Jack
  17. That's what she said! Jesus, you dumb Jackass!! YOU CAN'T WIN THIS THREAD!!!
  18. I was thinking the same damn thing. If I were a celebrity and got one of those I'd call Carvel and thank them and then I'd ask if I could give it to a children's hospital or something.
  19. Evidently her family likes to steal ice cream too. Linkage Dina Lohan gets in ice cream scuffle In the middle of Lindsay Lohan's SCRAMgate, mom Dina Lohan has been accused of abusing a Carvel Ice Cream black card belonging to her daughters. To celebrate the chain’s 75th anniversary last year, Carvel issued “black cards” to 75 celebrities, including Lindsay and Ali Lohan. When Mama Lohan went into an East Meadow, New York Carvel store to pick up a cake for her son Cody's birthday, the Carvel employee asked for her I.D. and then confiscated her card. On their website, Carvel explained that only the individual whose name is on the card can receive the freebies - the card's fine print specifies that the cardholder can receive up to $25 in ice cream products per week - and although Lindsay and Ali are the only two in the Lohan clan issued promotional cards, “their extended family has repeatedly used the card without either present,” according to a statement on the ice cream chain’s site. “At first,” the statement continued, “we graciously honored their requests while explaining that the Black Card was not a carte blanche for unlimited Carvel Ice Cream for the extended Lohan family and friends. After more than six months of numerous and large orders for ice cream, we finally had to cut off the card and take it back.” Police ended up trekking over to the East Meadows store to settle the dispute, as Dina was demanding her card - plus her cake - and the store attendant was refusing to give it to her. "...[F]our cop cars showed up, there’s a police helicopter over head and this guy makes it seem to the cops that I’m trying to use a stolen credit card," Dina told RadarOnline.com. "And for what? Over a free ice cream?!” When the police asked the attendant to give Dina her card back, he eventually agreed to hand it over, but stood his ground on not giving away the requested free ice cream cake. According to Carvel's statement, the police warned Dina not to use the card again. The ice cream chain called the incident “an unfortunate situation where certain people feel entitled to use a celebrity’s name for their own purposes.”
  20. And you should know.
  21. Medications didn't work?
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