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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. Makes Dogfood, for the Chinese!!
  2. Tonight at 9 I will announce it is 9 o'clock.
  3. Alimentary my dear Watson. Sufferin succotash is a Sylvester the Cat saying, Jackass!!
  4. I hated him as a Bills player but this has nothing to do with football and I hope he recovers well.
  5. The judge hasn't approved it yet!!
  6. That's hilarious but as others pointed out it's not real. There is no way the GA could make each poster within the allotted time frame. JMO
  7. Why? If he kicks the bucket it's one less chance for somebody to be FIRST RUNNER UP!!!
  8. Well, he did ride. Mmm, hmmm!!
  9. Well 340 is an awkward age. Just ask Cincy.
  10. Sorry dude not true. The bullfrog drank my wine. The hypnotoad gives while the bullfrog takes.
  11. Ok, (looking over calendar) there it is. July 9th, "Deerball makes a funny". I know you want his back butt I don't think he wants you that way, or maybe he does.
  12. Yikes! Not only is that almost the worst thing to be arrested for but it's something that the entire family has to deal with now!!! Frikin child porn!!!! He'll be very lucky to get a job in football again. JMO If you don't like it ignore it. It's news, deal with it.
  13. A source with knowledge of the matter, however, told China Daily on Thursday that authorities had learned what the UFO was after an investigation. But it was not the proper time to publicly disclose the information because there was a military connection, he said, adding that an official explanation is expected to be given on Friday. I wonder what they have that looks like that and can hover?
  14. I don't know about permanently, but he sure got press!
  15. What the hell is wrong with people.
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