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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. Link BP has called it a matter of public record that, in late 2007, it expressed concern to the British government about the slow progress of a prisoner transfer agreement that Britain was negotiating with Libya. "We were aware that this could have a negative impact on U.K. commercial interests, including the ratification by the Libyan government of BP's exploration agreement," BP has said. BP was not, however, involved in any talks with either the British or Scottish governments about al Megrahi's release specifically, the company has said.
  2. This story gets weirder and weirder. Link Police: Both carjacking AND oral sex alibis were lies Friday, 16 July 2010 00:46 Jerry DeMarco NEWSBREAK: Just when it seemed the story couldn't get any crazier, police say the woman who first told them she was carjacked, then said she was giving the driver oral sex, was lying BOTH times to try and cover up crashing her daddy's SUV after she and her boyfriend stole a laptop from a parked car. Sara Blasse, 23, is still hospitalized with a broken arm; that much is fact. The rest was a bunch of hooey, cops say. What authorities say happened was that she and 27-year-old Henry Goode Jr. stole the laptop, then sped off, with Goode driving, after the owner called police. Goode plowed her father's Kia Sorrento into a tree and the pair tried torching the car to cover up the crime, a spokesman for the Camden County Prosecutor's Office said. That apparently didn't work, so they took off, he said. Both are charged with aggravated arson and burglary, among other counts. Blasse had bail set and Goode was being held, authorities said. Since it's a "laptop" it's in the same area.
  3. How can you tell? At least when he was in a coma he wasn't annoying. Just kiddin Deerball! You're always annoying.
  4. Even though it's a campaign slogan it has to be true enough that people don't giggle.
  5. If it was your job you'd talk about it a lot too. Pictures of monkey's "straighten you out"!
  6. That poor girls father had to go to work today.
  7. Wow! Another news flash that has made my life fuller. Dude, that's been true since post #1
  8. Does your wife know you're offering Lana body shots?
  9. Having heard that my life is now complete.
  10. I prefer "Dropping the kids off at the pool." That's a great story for parties!! She was more than an old fart wasn't she!!
  11. Wow! There's a surprising newsflash!
  12. Cowgirls fan is a chick?! Ya learn sumpin new everyday.
  13. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
  14. It will be interesting to see what the DNA results show. My guess is the DNA will be traced back to Deerball.
  15. Wow a 20% return on investment in one day!!! The best thing about that is you have no sense and at least tomorrow you'll have some, too bad you don't know how to use it.
  16. Don't even try. Some people are convinced Ralph is cheap and no amount of fact will sway them.
  17. And there we can agree. I'm saying that Enron was the biggest catalyst in that scandal. If the things they did do weren't illegal at the time some of them are now.
  18. Did you even read anything I've written? I said there needs to be laws in order to hold people who break the law accountable. Laws don't stop people from stealing, killing, beating, child molesting and other things but they are necessary to hold those who do those things accountable and to remove them from society. Do you believe all laws should be rescinded because they never stop crimes from happening?
  19. Too true. I have, mostly, stopped with this type of discussion but sometimes I have to call people out on them. I'm tired of taking he high road and letting people who are idiots call me an idiot. You're right though.
  20. I'll have to look up the specific laws they broke but thank you for making the argument for regulating industry. There need to be laws to hold the people who do these things accountable.
  21. Forgive me, I should have used the word convicted. Unfortunately the amount of punishment has nothing to do with severity of crime too often. Somebody posted an article about a guy who got a minimal punishment for a very serious DUI offense. Obviously their crime affected an entire state. So the fact is they were convicted of a crime and therefore you are arguing that part of their jobs is to commit crimes.
  22. That's not true. If you read the articles you'd see that Enron worked with power plants to shut down or run at half power at a time when all power companies were supposed to be operating at 100% full power. (the part about them being ordered to run at full power may come from another article) It was not a question of the inability of the power plants to supply the power. It was an issue with them withholding power. The power requirements were available, they weren't being given out in order to raise contract prices. As far as I know there isn't a problem with the power issues now.
  23. Do you have the ability to read what you write? All Enron and other traders did was what comes naturally to cold-hearted traders - exploit market inefficiencies and regulatory cluster !@#$ to make a profit (hint: it's part of their job description) And these guys went to jail. Hence the interpretation that it's breaking the law. So when people are convicted of breaking the law did they break the law. (obviously that's not true in every case I'm speaking in general terms.)
  24. Are you seriously arguing that it's their job to break the law? Maybe someday will you not only buy a clue but you'll buy a heart too.
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