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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. That boat would have a large steaming pile on it with me at the top if I'd been there.
  2. That's what she said! That's what she said also. My head is about average but I think the shaft is a lot longer than most guys.
  3. You say that like it's a bad thing.
  4. Oh boy!! Here comes a good 'ol women in prison movie!!!
  5. Hers is out of 10 not 10,000. Very true!
  6. I can easily see the Bills going 2-0 to start the season. With so many changes in schemes they should be able to keep the first two teams a little off balance because there isn't a lot of film on them yet. JMO
  7. Unless Gailey and his coaches can get through to Ellis and McCargo they are gone, gone, gone and I know I'd be happy.
  9. Well that had to be a lot of fun for the dock workers to see!
  10. Ok let's examine this; #1 Christie Brinkley must be thrilled with this news story. This is probably worse than remembering she married Billy Joel. #2 I almost don't believe this because you'd have to be a dumbass of astronomical proportions to tell somebody, anybody, that. #3 The guys lawyer is named Jeffery Weiner! (Ya can't make this stuff up!) #4 This gives a new meaning to give the poor dog a bone. #5 Supposedly he was asked if the dog was a great dane. He responded; "She wasn't great but she was pretty damn good!" #6 I've had sex with some human bitc........nevermind. #7 The reason she didn't enjoy it as much is probably because she was always dog tired. #8 I wonder if he'd sniff her butt beforehand?
  11. Gangsta Kitty is NOT amused!!!
  12. When did Deerball move and change his name? ETA: His lawyers name is Jeffery Weiner!!
  13. Deerball as President!
  14. Just like the other side comes out when there is a cold snap. The point of the original post is that it's a stupid thing to do every time there is a hot or cold spell.
  15. Wow, you're (notice I used it right. Just like I have thousands of times before.) really pathetic. I've told you how you have nothing to say and so you use insults and you go out and produce more posts proving me right. You still have not answered the question and you know it. You keep saying you have but you haven't. Maybe it's just because you're (look used it right again) too stupid to comprehend English. If you can't admit that you were wrong about the supposition of my original post then you are too stupid to read. AD, I'm done with you. A cat will eventually tire of playing with a mouse and eventually just kill the thing. I have metaphorically killed you here. Go ahead and put up another insult laden post with no facts and a lot chest puffery in an attempt to make yourself look like a big man, but so many people here see through your (look used it right again, maybe the time you cited above is just a typo.) name calling to the emptiness of your posts and it just keeps getting more and more pathetic for you. The most pathetic thing is that you're (look used it right again.) an adult and the best you can do is insult laden posts. I find it hysterical that you can dish it out but you can't take it. When you start posting like an adult maybe I'll respond again but I'm sure you're (look used it right again) too juvenile to attain that level of maturity.
  16. Have you read anything PTR has posted. The pendulum swing has been happening but it's average is moving upwards. Get it? Yes, business' have no reason to lie themselves so they don't have to do things to help with the problem. You are so pro-business that you can't even make a reasonable argument.
  17. You still can't comprehend can you? Did you see this? It's the first sentence in my post; If you're dumb enough to post about cold temperatures being proof that global warming doesn't exist then you should be dumb enough to believe that this proves it. How do I know you're somehow going to attempt to turn that against me when it proves what an idiot you are. Too funny! You're answer to my calling you out on that is to use a juvenile response. Excellent debating skills. No, no you haven't. Just a reminder here's the question; Tell me why are AK-47's necessary for society, without using the phrase "It's my second amendment right? Also, without using sarcasm. I didn't ask if they were almost the same as any other firearm. So quit avoiding the question and answer it. The obvious problem you have is you can't answer it without looking like a lunatic. When you answer the AK-47 question I'll go back. I've pretty much ignored you for so long now that I'd have to go back far to find anything I can remember and I'm not gonna sift through your drivel to find a current one.
  18. A moron wouldn't understand that the point of the thread is that you can't use a single piece of data. The point of the thread is that those who use a single point of data to believe it doesn't exist, should use it to prove it does exist because both are equally stupid. Go back and reread the original post and maybe you'll get it. So the answer is no. That's funny coming from the king of chest puffers. You rail on people for being what you believe is stupid and yet you can't take it. You're so transparent in your idiocy that nobody has ever bought what you're selling. Trust me AD you don't know your limits. If I had a nickel for every stupid antagonistic post of yours I'd be a billionaire. You don't have intelligent thoughts or use facts most of the time. Instead you rail on people on a personal level making you believe you are superior in your knowledge and that proves how lame you really are. I'm still waiting on an answer to the AK-47 question. Obviously you're too much of a moron to be able to come up with one in four years. Try to post an argument with someone of a differing opinion that doesn't include name calling once in awhile. If I see one of those posts then it will be the first. You've accused me of not knowing what I'm talking about and then had egg on your face when I've proven myself and yet I haven't seen one post from you admitting a mistake, ever. The day you start using reasonable discourse instead of pompous insults I'll start taking you seriously. That day will most likely never come.
  19. What makes you think you know more about this than the people who reevaluated the data?
  20. It is a partisan debate. I don't know too many libs who deny global warming. You're one to talk about stupid posts. Have you come up with a reason why AK-47's are necessary for society yet. It's only been over 4 years. The drivel you post is great when I need a laugh at how dumb people can be. If you were half as smart as you think you are you'd be Einstein. Unfortunately you're not even 1% as smart as you think you are.
  21. Thank you. That's the point I'm trying to make. Some of the people here think that very cold winters disprove global warming. I'm trying to see if any of them can use that same logic to believe global warming. I never heard about that. That's hysterical. It just goes to show how stupid some people are. I saw that the other day and I was waiting for one of the deniers here start a thread about that. IIRC, somebody made a thread when the accusations first came out.
  22. Yes, it's all a big conspiracy by libs. Did it occur to you that business' are making their own conspiracy theories because they don't want to pay for the things to help stop it.
  23. If you're dumb enough to post about cold temperatures being proof that global warming doesn't exist then you should be dumb enough to believe that this proves it. Somehow I think those who don't believe in global warming will somehow find a way to weasel out of the convoluted logic that makes cold temps mean it doesn't exist and apply it to record warm temps. Report: Warmest June on record globally By Angela Fritz, CNN Meteorologist July 18, 2010 5:10 p.m. EDT (CNN) -- Last month was the warmest June on record worldwide, according to a report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Warmer-than-average conditions were present across nearly all continents, including much of the United States, according to the organization's State of the Climate report, released Friday. Although global sea surface temperatures ranked the fourth-warmest on record, the combination of land and sea anomalies pushed June 2010 past June 2005, previously the warmest June on record, the report said. June was also the fourth consecutive month in a row of record warmth worldwide. Meanwhile, wetter-than-average conditions were present in southern India, southern China, southern Europe and the U.S. Midwest, the report said. In contrast, southwest Australia is experiencing record-setting rainfall deficiencies, with the lowest rainfall on record for the first half of the year, according to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. The Bureau reported that all states and territories in Australia experienced drier-than-average conditions in June. June also marked a record low in Arctic sea ice -- the 19th June in a row the sea ice has been below average. Don't go by a month of temperatures go by years of data. JMO
  24. Linkage Mom Told to Stop Breastfeeding Six-Year-Old Updated: Wednesday, 14 Jul 2010, 7:54 PM MDT Published : Wednesday, 14 Jul 2010, 7:54 PM MDT (Herald Sun) - A court ordered an Australian mother Wednesday to stop breastfeeding her six-year-old son. A custody hearing in Melbourne was told the woman had encouraged the little boy to breastfeed when he visited her last year. The mother denied breastfeeding the youngster, then five, saying he wanted to touch her breasts, according to court documents. However, the court rejected her explanation and restrained the mother from exposing her breasts to the child, requiring him to breastfeed or permitting him to touch her breasts.... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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