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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. He was a hell of a punt catcher though! Nobody has mentioned Mike Williams yet?!
  2. Hey don't get so upset. Your parentage isn't your fault.
  3. That's horrible. Prayers for the family. Here's an article from ESPN on it; http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5406440
  4. You ate your own muffin? Are you a contortionist?
  5. I just wanna say good luck. We're all counting on you.
  6. I thought the same thing!!! Link God Loves Gay Robin – Comic-Con Vs Westboro Baptist Church Submitted by Rich Johnston on July 22, 2010 – 3:42 pm (27) comments So Westboro Baptist Church picketed Comic-Con for “worshipping false idols.” And Comic-Con picketed back. Playing the role of an “embedded journalist” I got stuck in… shouting with the microphone “I find your lack of faith… disturbing.” Anyway, here’s how the whole event went down. The Westboro crew were outnumbered, outgunned and police-protected. And a mixture of organised groups, independently motivated individuals and, let’s be honest =, one or two wackos, let them know how we felt. God loves Gay Robin indeed… More great pics there too.
  7. Is that a euphemism?
  8. Where the hell did all of those Indians come from? - General George Custer
  9. Look I don't wanna know that you pour wine on your pine.
  10. Do you think it could be wine? What a frickin dumbass you are!!!
  11. Gangsta Kitty Liked that a lot. He took a picture of the cat in the bra and panties and ran off to his litter pan.
  12. Dude all you contribute is sheep dip.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuRboJGfrD0...feature=related
  14. This is probably how the conversation with the cop went; Cop: Could you describe her m'am? McDonald's Worker: She looked like a man's crotch. Cop: I'm sorry. Say that again, slowly! It was easy to find her because she smelled like !
  15. Take out the money and no. It looks like she's had enough plastic surgery to fund a doctors mansion. If you want to be a trophy husband don't talk about your hemorrhoids!!
  16. It's a need for the Bills so they made a mistake passing on a guy I liked. We'll see how Clausen works out.
  17. I like Wilson too. I think he has more field awareness than Donte. I'm not sure he's better than Donte but he's sure gonna push him hard in camp this year. JMO
  18. At this juncture I would like to point out that life sucks. That is all, continue on with what you were doing.
  19. I'm sorry you were right, you were in the lead and I'm very sorry you aren't anymore. Just kiddin. I'm not sorry at all.
  20. Seven hours and 15 minutes is far too long for mead to be in the lead.
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