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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. Linkage What’s Spiller hinting at? Chris Brown Posted August 4, 2010 – 11:19 pm Tags: C.J. Spiller Bills RB C.J. Spiller let everyone on twitter know that (t0day) Thursday is his birthday and the team’s top draft choice may have dropped a hint regarding his current situation. CJSPILLER Well I wanna give God the glory for lettin me see another b-day yep the kid has turned 23 yrs old today I got feelin it’s going be special. Here’s hoping it’s special for all the reasons Bills fans want it to be. Happy birthday C.J.
  2. No, this is where you cue balls.
  3. I wouldn't want to be the dude that has to tell that story.
  4. If he can't account for 200 yards each game then I hope he drops on deuce on Belicheat and his team.
  5. http://www.pnj.com/article/20100802/NEWS01...amily-dog-Sasha Gulf Breeze man admits mutilating, killing family dog Sasha Kris Wernowsky • kwernowsky@pnj.com • August 2, 2010 ...When investigators arrived, Matthew Foote was calm and cooperative, according to his arrest report. Foote explained he spent the weekend in Louisiana where he met a lot of “evil people.” He told the investigator that he also punched a girl on a bus and believed that “something was put in the water,” the arrest report says. Matthew Foote told investigators he believed the dog, a 7-year-old dachshund-Chihuahua mix named Sasha, was possessed by Satan. ...
  6. I'd love to see him put up 200 yards against the Pets in each game this year!
  7. Link ...“The guy comes out to play every day,” said Gailey. ”It looks like he’s made up his mind that he wants to be a very good football player. I think that bouncing around (from team to team) is not what he intended for his career and I think he’s decided to go out and make himself the position. He’s been impressive.”...
  8. Here's an article on Buster's Law. Evidently they want to strengthen the bill. ...“Buster, I really think he was serving a purpose,” said Nancy Bonesteel, who owned the tabby cat for which the law was named. “I really believe that’s why he hung on, so people could hear his cries and we could do something about it. We need to do more.” Her cat died a few days after being set ablaze by Chester Williamson, then 16, who went on to rack up a lengthy rap sheet. He is currently serving 12 years in prison for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl....
  9. The dude needs to do at least five years. Anyone who can listen to a dogs yelping in pain and keep doing what they're doing is one sick mofo. What he said.
  10. 'Cuz he's out fishing. He's a master baiter.
  11. Jack didn't win!! HE CAN'T WIN!!!!
  12. Shut the !@#$ up!
  13. You say goodbye and I say hella.
  14. I'm a little skeptical of this. What prompted that kid to come forward now?
  15. No swearing Jackass!!
  16. I wonder if he injured his hand on his wang? I know, I know I couldn't help myself.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyBzYbklMrc&NR=1
  18. They just added the night practice notes to that link.
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