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Steely Dan

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Everything posted by Steely Dan

  1. It means you need to try and guess who's helmet it is. It's a riddle!
  2. He was saying that by posting he put this thread above the last post thread. Which is what your post was about. I think that's what he meant.
  3. Freaking toady. Jackass!!
  4. I'm guessing that you, JW and Mead all know what that tastes like. JMO
  5. Just skimmed his and JW's comments from that thread and concluded he probably was banned and for good reason.
  6. I didn't see that. What was the thread? Hopefully JW is still around and we didn't Tim Graham him.
  7. That's why I'm curious. If you don't mind remorseless child molesters who use drugs to get what they want he wasn't a bad guy. Somebody mentioned it another post and I just wondered. They seem to disappear quickly. I guess you only have a limited time to edit now.
  8. BTW, does anyone know why Hossage was banned?
  9. Thank God this thread wasn't lost! Information like that needs to be preserved for future generations!!
  10. I guess I wasn't clear. When I said I have RR Turbo and I don't see the problem I meant it had never really occurred to me before. I agree with you. If it is a problem for others then keep it the way it was. I just don't know enough to know how long it would take someone here with the slowest download speed to load the pages.
  11. I use RR Turbo so I guess I don't see the slow loading angle. Everything loads fast for me. Well, thanks for adding that inspired post to a long line inspired posts we have all worked so hard to put into this thread.
  12. Why? I like it.
  13. Now that the actual image can be supplied why wouldn't you just do that?
  14. This makes it much more difficult to fool people with the PP Guy now.
  15. Your victory was fleeting and questionable. Nowhere in this thread has it ever said that the last post should be tied to a certain database. Jackass!!
  16. Why? You'll probably just forget where you put it.
  17. She should work in New York. 17 is legal here.
  18. Man candy? I'd prefer this. Why the hell has such a smart woman been beside you all these years?
  19. There's no me in team Shawn!! Think about before you do it!! + + = Hey maybe Lonnie Johnson is available? Runs and hides.
  20. Jackson Spiller Lynch Bell Are the 2010 RB corp. Ya heard it here first.
  21. I hope they don't try to put Joique Bell on the PC. He won't make it there.
  22. They're playing good so far. I wouldn't say great unless you're comparing it to last week. This is what I expected to see last week.
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