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Everything posted by billybob

  1. First of all Bell should have been the starter at LT by default as no else on the team had the athletic qualities to realistically play there- Is Butler a better RT than Walker that's the question - I've not been impressed with Butler's preseason performance, in fact I thought Scott looked better- yes Walker looked horrible at LT and anyone expecting anything different should start riding the short bus now.
  2. Phil Loadholt is starting RT for the Vikings but no way could he have beat out Butler so thank goodness we got the Bryd
  3. Truer words
  4. Maybe Scott is the RT - Chambers G/LT Butler G/RT McKinne G/C
  5. Walker is really just an average RT - While Chambers can be a moderately below average OT or OG
  6. FO :Hey Walker we are going to move LT Walker :I don't think I can play LT FO: Just do your Best Walker: Yes Sir I'll do my best FO: Walker who said you could play LT, you suck, you're cut
  7. The Bills were once a team with passion but I guess that's gone out of fashion In the 90s there were Shenanigans but better than a coach who's a manikin and an owner just looking to cash in
  8. Sweet Summer daydreams should explode into Fall passion but our Dick is limp
  9. Jevon Kearse somewhat but it's too soon to tell but you gotta like that speed and long arms.
  10. For the last couple years I approach the Bills this way- I watch what they do in the draft and FA - watch a practice or two and some of the preseason games - see who they keep who they cut and who starts and then make a decision on weather I will become emotionally involved- this year I have decided no- I'll watch the Bills if I have nothing else to do but I won't block out time for them- I won't buy tickets or otherwise spend money on them- as the Bible says don't yoke yourself in an unequal relationship.
  11. Personally I don't want 20 formations I want to be able to run 20 plays out of 1 formation that looks the same all the time- and that the Oline doesn't give away the play with hand or foot placement or other tells- the last 5 years at least I've been able to tell 95% of the time if it is a run or a pass.
  12. I will give the Bills this- keeping Scott over Chambers was a good move.
  13. I was hoping Derek Jones would at least have made the practice squad but I guess the Olive Oil like Huggins is more important, Maybe so Parrish can feel less skinny.
  14. Unless Oakland worked a deal Seymour is a free agent next year- I'd laugh my A-- off if the Pats signed him for the 2010 season- Pats will probably get a top 5 pick in 2011 which they will then trade for a 2nd rd and 3rd rd and a 1st in 2012- you know it's not that Belicheat is a genius it's that football is filled to the brim with morons and half wits
  15. good question - I want to know why they're keeping three QBs - like if Edwards and Fitz are knocked out Hamdan is going to win it? If you lose your first two QBs you'd be better off letting someone Fred Jackson or Parrish run the Wildcat- then just pick up Hamdam it's not like he's going to be scooped up by another team.
  16. I would have kept Mace, Bryan and Derek Jones over Kelsay, Denney, and Schobel- If you keep Kelsay, Denney, and Schobel you are committed to either the same suck Dline we had last year or paying backups more than starters.
  17. You mean the same solid play that had most fans hoping the Bills would pick up 3 or 4 D-linemen in the draft.
  18. this is a player I'd have interest in (Kynan Forney-G) unless I was in love with Seth Mckinnie
  19. Preseason must mean nothing- Kelsay and Schobel looked awful but yet they are still here- Bryan and Stupar looked good but are cut. I use to watch preseason to get a feel for the young talent but why bother, the coaches must evaluate on a whole different criteria.
  20. Trading Parrish and Reed for Marshall is like trading a Civic and a Go-cart for a Porsche Carrera........................that was used in a bank heist and is being looked for by the police and the mob.
  21. It's not that Jackson is that good is the reason we should pick him up - it's that the Bills QBs are that ungifted - Trent Edwards makes Lee Evans worthless, one of them should go. Jackson could be this years Pennington- the QB that Favre replaces who plays better than Favre.
  22. Haven't listen to wgr in more than a year - maybe I'll check it out-
  23. Considering Trent doesn't like to throw deep Boldin for Evans would make sense.
  24. Some of it might of been the RBs some of it might have been the QBs But on the Fitz sack 76 of the Steelers Pushed both Wood and Seth Mckinne right back into the QB also Chambers was trampled - on the bright side Scott and Levitra both did a good, I guess it could have been worst. The Bills Oline Blocking seems very passive - they start backing up the second the ball is snapped and try to catch the DEs and DTs- I've noticed other Olines that initially go forward to meet the Dline and then slowly give ground - I wonder if the Oline is taught very passive techniques? any Oline experts out there.
  25. Last year I thought he sucked but he has looked better this preseason for what it's worth.
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