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Posts posted by JuanGuzman

  1. Since he wasn't drafted, he's a free agent down here. No supplemental draft for him. As for the CFL, since the NFL chose not to renew the working agreement between the two leagues, I'm not sure what his -- or Saskatchewan's -- rights are in this situation.


    The Original CFL/NFL agreement allowed players players to sign with NFL teams when they were either free-agents or during the option year of the contract. Although, the CFL/NFL deal recently expired, the CFL players association decided to build the option rule into their contract during the last round of collective bargaining, so that players would have a chance at the NFL.


    My bet is that Bowman signed a two year deal with the last year being an option year, so if he continues his success next year he will get a contract with an NFL team in 2009.

  2. Word out of Saskatchewan is Adarious has absolutely killed it in training camp catching everything that came his way, also in interviews he has sounded like he was thankful to get a second chance. He has situation in Saskatchewan not too many distractions besides football and they are the defending grey cup champs. Matt Dominguez a former NFL practice squad guy with Denver (dressed in 12 games with Broncos, and later tried out for the Jets) who is sort of a CFL elder statesman has supposedly taken Bowman under his wing.


    I watched the game against Edmonton and he made one spectacular diving sideline catch, also the 77 yard touchdown was on a pretty double w/ a beautifully thrown ball splitting the CB and the Safety. Still his lack of top end speed will hurt his chances at NFL level.

  3. What'd we draft him for? Rush the passer from the edge. If we heard rave reviews about his play, that would mean Edwards, Losman and Hamden would be sprawled all over the ground with no pads on..


    He's here. It's all good.


    No shortage of cynical replies even though I agree with the assesment of Chandler81. I just find it funny that we have reply to each others thread like its a debate and where trying to score points fop snarkiness - - it can be tiresome after awhile...ooops that is what I am currently doing. ON to the topic: I would add though that I found it odd not much was said about him as well. I would just like to hear how he looked in pads? Big? Lean? Small. Whats his work ethic? (given there were concerns about his character) so far, quick burst/step? Shy and quiet or loud and gregarious these are the things I need to hear to get me through the dreaded off-season.

  4. I never understood the backlash over the haircut thing. If I had his net worth I wouldn't get my haircut at Supercuts, would you?


    I think what made it a big deal is Edwards goal to eliminate poverty and his consistent talk about bridging the gap between the two-Americas. And for a champion of the poor to be enjoying the perks of his so called second america (2 400$ haircuts, spa treaments) and having the campaign fund foot the bill rings of some hypocrisy.

  5. All I had to get buy with was the NFL network, I thought they did a fair job I was flipping between playoff basketball/hockey and the draft so commercials weren't a problem. I was impressed with Mayock he was bang on for almost every pick it was uncanny, I seriously wondered if the commissioner was telling him the selection before hand.


    One thing that pissed me off is the whole time the saints were on the clock and including when they made their second round selection they interviewed Jerry Jones about his two picks, than of course the Bills come on the clock and they spend all the time talking about Tracy Porter the guy the saints selected. Once James Hardy is selected they give a good analysis of what he brings to the table... its just with Kelly, Sweed and Hardy still on the board and the Bills obviously taking a WR it would of been nice to here a final comparison between these players and what they bring to the Bills. Aside from that though I enjoyed the coverage and the reducing time limits from down to 10 and seven just made the draft experience a bit speedier.

  6. one of the few analysts who I really like Casserly first his work with CBS last year and now his draft stuff with the NFL Network. Anyway Casserly picked Leodis McKelvin as his defensive rookie of the year in part because oh his ability to not only be a starting corner but also a dynamic return threat on special teams. Oh and all those saying Leodis can't catch I haven't watched enough of him but catching punts is one of the hardest jobs in football so if he can catch punts consistently I'm sure his hands are decent enough to more than his share of interceptions.

  7. obviously Hardy is less polished and get could turn out to a non factor like some of those guys you mentioned, I have hopes for him, I mean really you can't be to disappointed with the selection he is 6'6 runs a 4.5 caught 36 touchdowns and can leap out of the building. Now Hardy has to put on pads and see if he can transfer it to the pro level...


    I would of chosen Sweed just cause i like the way he catches the ball and his history of production, but I give the Bills credit for identifying Hardy over him, and it probably has a lot to do with upside.

  8. pretty easy to have a good first couple rounds when your picking early each round and deal an All Pro for a 1st rounder


    No doubt I didn't mean gloss over the fact that they have so many picks due to the Allen trade. All I'm is that they got the best overall player in the Draft IMO Glenn Dorsey, the second best O-lineman in the draft Albert (first is Jake Long although Clady and Chris Williams went ahead of Albert ), and the most physical corner back in the draft in Flowers.


    Personally I rank most important positions to be D-line, O-line and DB and to come away with those guys... I just really liked the guys they came away with in the first two rounds.

  9. I doubt the Jays would play in Buffalo, I don't think the stadium is big wnough for a MLB team to play in, but the Raptors could play a couple games in HSBC Arena. The thing is, they don't have to, they don't need to drum up more corporate support for their team, they are both financially stable with strong enough fan bases to not need to reach out to new markets


    Yeh, but some of the early series against Texas and Oakland announced attendance was around 15, 000 but watching on T.V i thought it looked like a lot less than that. Moreover their are 81 home games played in baseball so taking away a 2 game or 3 game series isn't that big of a deal. Lastly I mainly suggested it from a cross promotion standpoint, Since their likely moving their triple A affiliate to Buffalo, fans in Buffalo are going to be able to follow the Jays up and coming prospects "Travis Snider, Ricky Romero, J.P Arenciba" its not that bad of a Drive for Buffalo Fans to make it down to T.O why not play a series in Buffalo drum up some interest in the baseball team and hope that Buffalo Fans decide to come down to T.O and see the occasional baseball series,maybe purchase some of the 10 game flexpacks, or by some merchandise, its not like the Jays are selling out the Rogers Centre. I'm not familiar enough with the Ball Park in Buffalo but I concede seating/size may be an issue.


    As for the Raptors I see it being very unlikely they play in Buffalo even with HSBC arena, they draw capacity crowds for most games at the ACC and ticket prices are fairly high compared to most teams around the league.

  10. The BlueJays might be switching their triple a affiliate from the Syracuse Chiefs to the Buffalo Bisons in the off season. Cleveland (Buffalo's current major league affiliate) is speculated to want to get a team in Columbus, and the NY Mets are going to take over for the Jays in Syracuse with the Chiefs at the end of the year. So the logical destination for Toronto would be with the Buffalo Bisons.


    So you might see some more cross promotion in the Buffalo Market as Baseball fans get to watch these players develop and then move on to the majors for the BlueJays, maybe that will result in the Jays playing a few series a year in Buffalo. Tampa Bay Devil Rays just finished up a series in Orlando solely designed to extend their market reach.


    Also no need to hate on the Raptors solid team, they play an exciting/aesthetically pleasing brand of basketball, not very good defensively but its pretty to watch.

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