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Posts posted by Mr_Blizzard

  1. Still have two huge hole Qb and Left tackle .

    Good news is they should be able to fill at least one next season

    The qb thing is always tricky

    but we are on our way up not down


    I am hoping for a competative 8-8 or 9-7 . That way next offseason players will look at Buffalo at a up and coming destination which would help attrack some players, if that is how Buddy choses to proceed .


    I think we will be a better team this year. but not necessarily have a better record. I'm thinking 6-10 or 7-9. We don't have a passing game!

  2. First off I don't do drugs, and it is way too early for me to be drinking so YES I am serious and here is why.


    1. Coaching is better. ANYONE is an improvement over Jauron, VanPelt etal.

    2. The talent has improved. No way in hell do we suck this year as badly as we did against the run. The 3-4 should bring more pressure allowing our good DB corp to make more turnovers.


    This OL produced the 16th rated running game in the NFL last year as well as a 1000 yard rusher. Spiller has 10x the talent our other RB's do, plus I don't see us having as many OL injuries this year. We will be improved.


    3. We lost 6 games by a total of like 20 points.


    I feel this team is going to do better than most people think!


    I'd like to think we will surprise some teams, but I think we will be one-dimensional. The Bills will win (when they win) with the running game and special teams. The defense SHOULD be better, but not in the top 10. I think we will have close to the same won/loss record in 2010, but less stupid losses. Also, we will not be able to play from behind. At least that's how it looks on paper in April 2010..

  3. I think many people underestimated the ramifications of switching to a 3-4 defense this year. The Bills picked a true NT (hopefully) for a 3-4 scheme, a big DE, and two defensive players that will be making the switch to outside LB. With our only real free agent investments made at inside LB (Davis has experience in the 3-4) and Edwards (a DE), it is clear that moving to a 3-4 required the Bills to use a good chunk of available resources (i.e., draft picks and money for free agents) for the switch.


    Not sure what this means for Kelsay, Ellis, Stroud, Williams, Johnson and Maybin.


    It is clear that the rebuild of this roster is going to take a long time. The offense is probably in worse shape now than at the start of last season (no Owens, no Reed, Wood still recovering from a broken leg, and Butler retired).


    Yup this is a 2 - 3 year rebuilding project. But we are on the right path..

  4. The guy has watched A LOT of tape. I've been watching all 3 days and he has consistently had info on every guy no matter how obscure. He had Clausen rated 48 and he went right there. I'm impressed.



    As I'm typing this they just asked him and Charles Davis to rate the Bills draft. Davis gave us a C+ and Chavous gave us an A. Chavous says the 2 DEs we took late can both be very good LBs as pros. He also liked Wang a lot. I'm not touting the guy just because he threw us a bone, but he has schooled the panel for 3 days, showing them they are just going off of public opinion. Like most people here know, often the guys on TV haven't even watched a lot of tape on these guys, they're looking at draft rankings just like us. Having gained a lot of respect for Chavous this week I'm very encouraged that he thought well of our draft


    Let's hope he's right. I also hope that our injured guys from last year return healthy and ready to play. We need those O-line guys and Byrd to return in top form.

  5. Thoughts on the rebuilding philosophy:

    1) Perhaps they didn't think that the offense woes were entirely the fault of the Quarterbacks, rather the lack of playmakers, poor scheme and poor conditioning and poor work ethic. Remember, all it takes is ONE big play per game to score... and for years (maybe a decade) we lacked that. Hopefully Spiller changes that.

    2) All the picks were hard working with motors. If you listen to all their conference calls, they all seemed to have a similar attitude/work ethic. At minimum, it sends a message to the vets to show up for work, because there are hungry rooks coming in. At this level, the guys are like split seconds faster or one rep stronger than another... what's the difference maker? Apparently Nix believes its hard work. I LIKE THIS.

    3) With a new defensive scheme coming in, it seems like everyone might be on even ground to learn the new defense. And apparently, we need some size/youth up front.

    4) I believe these coaches believe that its actually their job to teach players to become great players, not to draft "great players" and magically hope they succeed.

    5) I'm guessing Nix really only likes top QB's with high Wonderlic scores. (Rivers and Brees were above average, Clausen and Tebow were not). In fact, Nix "reached" for Rivers at 4th overall one year.

    6) It seems like they targeted small schools, looking for overlooked players with a chip on their shoulder for being in a small program or competition concerns. The kinda attitude/camaraderie you're looking for in a turnaround in small market team eh?


    Anyway, I too was surprised we didn't get an OT in 2, but not shocked at all by Spiller in round 1. Here's to the new face of our franchise.


    I think 2010 will be an exciting year for the Bills.

  6. Only Jacksonville was worse with a C-. Outside of Cory Chavous I've seen no above average grades for the Bills so far.


    I have to agree with them. I see nothing special with this draft except Spiller. I might say that Levi Brown was a good value pick in the seventh. Other than that nothing really stands out as a coup.


    I still don't understand why we didn't trade Lynch to Seattle. They apparently really tried to get him. What is Nix thinking?


    He may be worth more to us on the roster than what we could get for him. Unless a Seahawks insider spills his guts, we'll probably never know what they offered. I don't like the guy off the field, but he does have talent. Maybe Nix is keeping him in his back pocket for future options.

  7. This team needs to lay a good foundation, and the 2010 draft is a start. We are new from the ground up other than our returning players. New GM, New Coaching Staff, new strength and conditioning department.. Probably 30% of the roster will be different. I don't expect miracles this year, just a well-disciplined team that is better in Week 17 than Week 1, and showing promise of a great future. When you blow everything up, it takes time to fix it.

  8. Let's be fair minded and not let our home town bias blind us. The Bills will not be an 8-8 team this season. If they end up with a 6-10 record again they will be lucky. When Nix took over the GM role the Bills were a border line expansion caliber team. It is going to take Nix at least three years or more to deconstruct the roster he inherited and build the type of team that can reasonably compete within in its own division.


    Good post and I have to agree. Been following the team since the mid 80's. The one constant in this league - it all begins at the lines; you have to be able to run and stop the run. Coming out of this draft, I think we made significant strides in that direction. Plus, the FA season isn't over yet. We could still meet some other needs before mini-camp.

  9. I give them a F- because I liked the explination next to the F-. I'm an idiot. If I knew anything about football talent I wouldn't be sitting here grading the draft. The Bills did good. Spiller was a surprise for me but I see the value and he probably was the best player available. If I had a team and had no needs, I would pick Spiller #1.


    Your post made me laugh. I thought we did ok; would have liked a monster O.T. but the top ones were already gone at #9. Plus, if Spiller is all that they say, we will be thinking we got Thurman jr in a couple of years. Go Bills!

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