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Everything posted by Mr_Blizzard

  1. That was a pretty significant hit, because Brett Farve will quite possibly never start another game in the NFL.
  2. I knda miss the days of Frank and Al and Dan . . .
  3. Looks like we did ok after all!
  4. We have definitely had much worse games than that one. You remember the game against the Cards back in '90? Now THAT was some weather!
  5. Wow that sucks for the Vikes. I hope they can get it fixed before their next home game.
  6. I think we have a great shot against the 'Fins. Jets are in a tailspin right now so they might roll over for us. The Patriots? Can you say "Vikings: Part Deux" ?? We are going to end the season at 4-12 or 5-11. Drafting somewhere around 6th - 10th. Bye Bye Mr. Luck . . .
  7. They showed a replay on SNF halftime show. At a minimum there should be a fine. That was way outta line.
  8. Yup. Classy guy who is having an off year.
  9. J.D. Williams had some good games too. Just sayin' . . .
  10. Maybe they think we ran outta Luck?
  11. Fitz has the potential to be the next Joe Montana. You heard it hear first . . .
  12. Just wondering. Personally I have seen enough of America's team to last me til 2020.
  13. If Luck is available, I take him; but he won't be, so don't worry about it. We are going to be at least 4-12 by the end of the season.
  14. He was a center in college; maybe putting him in his natural position is the right move for this team. Does anyone know if we signed Hangartner for more than this season?
  15. I would love to see us have the kind of team that could beat the Pats in their crib.
  16. Good way to keep the in-laws away during the holidays! Little Houses
  17. AMEN! I used to enjoy getting out to shop the day after Thanksgiving. The past 10 years or so it has gotten ridiculous. Not worth the hassle to me!
  18. I spent a lot of time thinking about John's passing this week. Very hard to believe that it's been 30 years. And I still find the fact he was murdered both shocking and senseless...
  19. Hope you find him . . .
  20. Time to bust out the radio or listen to live streaming on the internet . . .
  21. I think Fitz can lead this team to a championship if he is given the right supporting cast. That's up to the front office.
  22. If we could get a Johnson and Hardman into the line-up, the O-Line would provide pretty stiff competition for all opponents.
  23. He will probably get another shot with somebody.
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