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Everything posted by Mr_Blizzard

  1. A guy tosses an accordian and a banjo over the American Falls. Which one hit bottom first? Answer: Who cares!
  2. Is Size 2 "The new fat"? I'm down wit it!
  3. Thanks for the chuckle
  4. I'd rather see us throw free-agent money at a proven right tackle, and draft our defensive players.
  5. Good luck to Coy; he was a classy guy and played his heart out for the Bills.
  6. Not interested in an over-the-hill former star.
  7. I hope not. Fitz is on the rise and we might be able to pick up a prospect in the 3rd or 4th round.
  8. I think Moats has a future with the Bills at ROLB.
  9. Would you pull the trigger on the Bills-SF trade? Yes, In a New York minute!
  10. I visited the Steel City this past November and made a stop at Phipps. It is a must-see. Very nice botanical garden. Steeler Fever was in the air, and this was around Week 12 of the season. Everywhere you looked, people were wearing steelers jerseys. (I did not count how many Roethlisburgers there were but I did see quite a few Polamalus ) I think I limited my Bills garb to a scarf and hat . . .
  11. Another 2nd round swing and miss . . . (but that was a loooong time ago - 1994)
  12. A NY State politician involved in a sex scandal? I'm shocked . . .
  13. Woulda, coulda, shoulda . . . It doesn't matter anymore; you can't change the past. Hopefully Buffalo is able to change its luck by drafting better and improving its free-agent acquisitions.
  14. I just wish that Ralph would sell the team or give us his succesion plan..
  15. One of my young 'uns threw the partaay last night, and she sent us home with a box of pizza!
  16. Nobody will beat Whitney. Best rendition EVER!
  17. If nothing else, they could use him as a decoy. Maybe get the other team to burn time-outs. That's gotta be worth a couple mil a year . . .
  18. Good Superbowl; glad to see the Pack win it.
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