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Everything posted by Mr_Blizzard

  1. and will probably have Gerald Dixon iv,v, and vi on way soon . . .
  2. Was a buck thirty-five. 25 years later, about 180. BTW we are not together anymore.
  3. I like him and want him on our team.
  4. Packers were my team for SB 45. Seeing at least one game in Green Bay is on my bucket list..
  5. My thoughts exactly. Now we need to buy more tackling dummies.
  6. Somehow I thought it would be more colorful . . .
  7. I could be talked into buying a Fitzmagic jersey . . .
  8. Assumming there is an NFL draft this spring, are there any local watering holes where Bills fan may gather to watch it?
  9. Lock down the 'net when jr is playing with the mouse!
  10. I don't care - I'm getting AARP notices in the mail lately, so to me she's hot. LoL
  11. Lay off the pizza after 7pm . . .
  12. Buffalo hasn't had a draft like that since 1987
  13. Marv was a classy guy and a great coach. To get that group to perform together like it did was remarkable.
  14. So who is going to sue who over this one?
  15. Chicka has some serious issues . . .
  16. You may want to set more than one trap.
  17. I'll say one thing - If I was going to see the Bills in the Superbowl and couldn't, I would be seriously P.O.ed!
  18. To be blunt, there is really no place to go but up!
  19. LoL - It works every time!
  20. At least her faux pas wasn't in Chris Lee's league!
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