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Everything posted by Mr_Blizzard

  1. I guess he had a little too much of the night before!
  2. It's sad that NASCAR lost its most recognized star. I wonder what the future would have held for Dale if he was still with us. I first got hooked on NASCAR in the early 70's when I was still a teenager . . .
  3. Yup it's a no-win for the guy. Call me a chauvanist; I don't like the idea of a guy wrestling a girl (outside of the bedroom of course!)
  4. "Hours after his father died, in the darkness of Daytona, fans in the massive infield lingered by their tailgates in disbelief, small bonfires slowly burning out, cans and bottles strewn here and there. Even then, they knew their sport would be forever changed." Christine Brennan Earhardt Crash plus 10 years Linky 2
  5. Where's the "Vomit" icon?? Admins - get on it!
  6. I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that . . . (HAL in 2001 - A Space Odyssey)
  7. True. It may not be state of the art, but it is a decent stadium.
  8. There are worse things than being a Bills fan, but would someone please remind me what they are?? Bahahaha!
  9. Build the defense. You can win the Superbowl without a super quarterback . . .
  10. I thought you were going to say him at Men's Wearhouse!
  11. No thanks. we just got rid of our last problem child, why sign another one?
  12. wrap a few grenades in raw meat. pull pin. toss. goodbye wolfy(s)!
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