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Everything posted by Mr_Blizzard

  1. If he was still in 2009 form, it would be great if he came back fr a season, but I doubt we will see him back. After the 2009 off-season it became pretty obvious that he lost his desire to play. Had a nice career with the Bills; too bad he never got to play in a playoff game.
  2. Winters in WNY would suck even more...
  3. Almost like picking the lobster you're going to eat . . .
  4. Haven't been on much lately. I wanted to be a veteran by draft day; didn't make it. Too busy!!
  5. La Nova is good. Pizza Junction in NT was also a good place for pizza but I haven't been there in years..
  6. LoL. Ya, being a critic is the easiest job in the world. Hopefully the Bills will be much improved next season . . .
  7. Defense is what made the Bills a play-off team in the late 90's. If the Bills can stop the run this season, look fo us to win a lot of games!
  8. Well, let's see what Newton is like a couple of years from now. It's a moot point - He went before we had a chance to draft him, and Marcell Dareus is considered the safest pick in the draft. I'm ok with how things turned out . . .
  9. Maybe some fake snakes or owls will scare them away??
  10. Worst tornado outbreak I've seen in my 50+ years, and that includes the great outbreak of 1974...
  11. He's so big he counts as having two guys on the field!
  12. I think 2 years from now, we will look back at this draft as the turning point to the Bills fortunes. We are on the way back to respectability.
  13. Good pick. I wonder if he will be the next Henry Jones?
  14. +1. Even if our offense was scoring 28 pts a game, we aren't going anywhere withuot a strong "D". Dareus was the right choice at #3.
  15. Yup I agree. Bring on the defensive draft!
  16. The 2011 season summary will be "We suck again", and then we'll take Andrew Luck (Remember him??) in the first round.
  17. Next thing you know, someone will have their kid riding a great dane . . .
  18. I've only posted a few times in the past 6 weeks, and I have ground to gain! The lock-out has dampened my enthusiasm for the NFL for now . . .
  19. So it's hard to be a good receiver? Or maybe it's good to be a hard receiver!
  20. Dude - he musta smoke-ed some reeealy good ganja!
  21. Charlie needs to get a life. He's a has-been who's on his way down . . .
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