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Everything posted by Mr_Blizzard

  1. Mike Lodish - Always came to play. He played in 6 Superbowls John Kidd - I would have preferred him over Rick Tuten in '90. Leonard Smith - Added a mean-streak to our secondary Jim Ritcher - 16 years. Enough said. Jerry Butler - One of our better receivers that is seldom mentioned Gary Baldinger - Just because... James Lofton (Has anyone even mentioned him?) Travis Henry - Personality and character aside, he was a very solid RB. Mark Pike - Great special teams guy and he was here for a decade.. Mike Lodish John Kidd Regrets
  2. To be honest with you, I'm really surprised they didn't pull him out of the game.
  3. My hot wheel collection dates back to the late 60's. Handing it down to my grandson at some point..
  4. I doesn't say if the student was male or female
  5. I like good ol' Poppers - Deep Fried Jalapeno Peppers
  6. I would not trade him for a draft pick. A pick and a proven player (LB)? Maybe..
  7. Losing Kent - very sad. I've been on youtube tonight looking at old Bills clips and other related videos. Brings back a lot of memories. PS - We lost Mitch Frerotte back in '08, but he wasn't part of the inner circle.
  8. Thanks for posting the old article. Looks like Chan has done alright so far. Buddy's drafts have some ?? attached to them however..
  9. He's so big, the Canadians named a national park after him..
  10. Nice job; I'll bet that kept you busy for a few hours..
  11. Looks like she did a line of meth prior to the mugshot..
  12. The substitutes are going to have to step up in a big way. Road games are tough to begin with, and being down a few starters doesn't help. DON'T CROSS THE MOATS!
  13. It's going to be windy tomorrow, which does not go in Fitz's favor. I see this as being more of a running type of game with turnovers on both teams. Bills 31 - Gints 24
  14. I usually tip ~20%, unless it's a cheap meal like at a diner. Then I tip more. If it's a pricy restaurant, and I'm dropping a couple of hundred on din, I tip around 18% I do NOT support a manadatory 25% tip. That's ridiculous.
  15. Didn't we trade away a better receiver earlier this year? For a 4th rounder? No thanks..
  16. Since we are not a "for sure" playoff team yet, I don't want to see us give up draft picks for guys who are on the down-side of their careers.
  17. The injury problems are a good argument for starting off a season with a lot of wins. Typically, the starters at the end of a season do not match who started for you in Week 1. Also justifies making sure you have decent guys on the bench, who get some PT every game. This week could be a point-fest for both teams..
  18. To echo what San Jose said - there just aren't a lot of trades in the NFL at mid-season. Maybe a team that's looking to move a disgruntled player for a draft pick, but that's about it.
  19. There are Jills like that out there; you need to look harder..
  20. One of my kids just moved to Dallas-Fort Worth area in August. If I didn't have a schedule conflict, I'd go see the game and stay with her..
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