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Pitch #5

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Everything posted by Pitch #5

  1. Jerry Sullivan's column in today's Buffalo News: http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20070104/1023501.asp
  2. At 1PM and 4:30PM today, the NFL Network is airing a 30-minute program called "Make Your Own Super Bowl Ad." It's a recap of the good, the bad and the ugly from the League's contest. Check it out if you can.
  3. Thanks, MaineBills. If you want to receive the "Today's Reason to Vote for Gino" e-mail reminder, shoot me a message to gbona@winkandthegun.com.
  4. Thanks, kdipirro and everyone else who voted so far. I'm appreciative for your efforts. According to the NFL's rules, you're allowed to vote once per day. I assume they determine that by your IP address. If you want to help Pitch #5, here are some things you can do: 1. Visit http://www.nfl.com/superad/vote every day and vote. 2. Forward the above-mentioned link to everyone in your address book. 3. Send me your e-mail address to receive a (hopefully) humorous daily e-mail reminding you to vote. I won't share your address with anyone else. And I won't send you an e-mail after the contest concludes on January 7th. Promise. 4. Hack into the site and fix the entire voting process (just kidding). Again, thanks for helping me out. Go Bills.
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