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Andrew in CA

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Everything posted by Andrew in CA

  1. How does this affect your level of sympathy for the victims in either country?
  2. One needn't be enlightened to feel sympathy for those who have suffered. I am totally befuddled as to your Haiti comment, most of all– because they are victims of a corrupt government, they are less sympathetic? I fail to see the connection between the ethics of an individual's government and the level of sympathy that should be afforded him or her.
  3. How do you know this? And it's spelled "hippie douche".
  4. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
  5. Good to know you have such a specific number. 450 wouldn't do? And I'm not trying to sell you on anything. I did a google search and found those links off the first page. It seems to me if you were really interested in hearing from Muslims against terrorism.
  6. UK Muslims speak out against terrorism, 2006 Muslim leader issues edict against terrorism, 2010 More like these, then?
  7. Leader within Muslim religion publically [sic] denounces what happened on 9/11
  8. Thanks for the tips, guys. I think I'm gonna make the trip if only just to get the experience. If it isn't any fun, so be it, at least I'll be able to say I've been. Plus, garbage plates are guaranteed. That's reason enough.
  9. Link If anyone is interested, here is a link to that Lost DVD extra, the epilogue with Ben and Hurley...
  10. To all those who attend/have attended Bills training camp in the past: is it worth the 3 1/2 hour drive from Albany? I'm considering going for the first time (probably because it would be the last, I don't live in NY anymore and don't know when I'll be visiting during training camp again), but I can't tell whether it would be extremely boring or not. I mean, in theory, it should be cool– up close and personal with the players and coaches, watching guys fight for roster spots, getting to know the team better before the season, getting a garbage plate on the way there and the way home, etc. However, the team does suck, and it is just practice, so I could be in for a huge letdown and a wasted day. So I ask to those out there: is training camp what you thought it would be, or have any of you come away from camp thinking it was a waste of time? Especially a 7 hour round-trip drive...
  11. Can you clarify this point, please? Do you mean to say that the effort to legalize gay marriage is 100% motivated by hatred of religion? I'm sure that can't be what you mean...
  12. Thanks for the summary, dog.
  13. Interesting, I did not know that.
  14. It would probably come down to Kennedy, again... but at least we'd have uniformity (assuming they decide the specific issue of whether gay marriage can be banned– I haven't read Prop 8 or the opinion striking it down yet so I don't know what the specific issue answered was).
  15. I'm interested to see if the US Supreme Court takes the case.
  16. Based on what, then?
  17. I don't think that would satisfy those opposed to gay marriage... wouldn't they oppose the unions regardless of how they are characterized?
  18. This is definitely not the end of this case, though. It's going to the 9th Circuit, and then hopefully to the US Supreme Court, if they grow a pair and grant review.
  19. Link Schwarzenegger pleased with the decision; it's going to be appealed to the 9th Circuit pronto.
  20. Hey, I'm not sayin it makes sense, I'm just recounting the government's argument.
  21. I meant the distinction is irrelevant for the sake of the government's argument that the tax/penalty is supported by the General Welfare Clause, based on their interpretation of the controlling case law.
  22. http://www.scribd.com/doc/31923230/Commonw...tion-To-Dismiss You'll find the typical defenses to the healthcare bill laid out here. The answer to this specific question is on page 49 of 52: it has been described as both a tax and a penalty, but the distinction is irrelevant here, because the tax/penalty is "productive of some revenue", and thus it can be supported under the General Welfare Clause. The government's entire argument pursuant to the General Welfare Clause, ie tax power, is on pages 46-50.
  23. This is a big reason why our country has such poor leadership. So the Republican president !@#$ed this country up during his tenure, so the Democrat comes in and does no better, so the solution is put a Republican back in, and when that doesn't do anything vote Democrat, etc. How about we stop this ridiculous cycle and all vote 3rd party– maybe then we'll finally get the changes we are seeking.
  24. I love this final... 2 great soccer countries, neither of which has ever won the World Cup, today's game aside, they play exciting soccer... looking forward to it big time.
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